Chapter 22

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Owen and Teddy are on the hallway looking through the Chief of Surgery’s office wherein Meredith is talking to Cristina, who’s sitting on the couch with the two boys. She absent-mindedly caresses the heads of her two sons, the love of a mother’s touch. Morgan is on her lap, thumb on his mouth and Theo on her left side but whose head are on her chest and little arms around her torso,hugging her tightly.

Owen loves to see this picture; it always touches his heart to see Cristina with the kids. But this time, there’s a pain of jealousy – he feels guilty but it seems unfair to him that it was just 15 minutes ago since his wife showed up but it seems that his sons forgot about his existence. The evident change on his expression is noticed by his best friend.

Teddy: Owen, Are you okay?

Owen looks at her, still with troubled eyes.

Owen: No. I am not. She’s here but it’s just that – I’m used to this idea of the single fatherhood thing. It’s just like I am not anticipating for her return yet she’s here.

Teddy:  Yeah. She’s here and the both of you should talk.

Owen: I don’t think that will be a good idea. I am not in the mood for any argument today.

Teddy: You haven’t talked to her yet you assume it will be a heated conversation.

Owen: Of course. It will be. That woman.. --- damn

Teddy: This is the right time to tell her.

Owen: I’m ashamed to tell her, Teddy. I can’t.

Owen walked away; Teddy tried to follow him towards the hall.  

Teddy: You don’t have to be ashamed. She’s your wife. It’s Cristina. The both of you have to be okay. She’s here now. You need to face each other anytime soon.

Owen: I don’t know. Its better that she’s not here. Don’t you understand? I think I do not need her anymore.. We do not need her anymore.

He raised his voice.

Teddy : I know.. I know.. but you have to figure this out. Okay? Relax. And you know that I know that you need her. You need her. You tend to shut people towards you when you feel the guilt. Fight it. You know that deep in your heart – you need her. You hear me?

Owen hugged him. Teddy hugged him back. Owen closed his eyes and hugged his best friend tighter. He unconsciously kisses the side of her head – his act of appreciation of her understanding and loyalty.

Cristina along with her boys and Meredith just went out of the office to go to the cafeteria. They witnessed the two blondes hugging, and Owen’s action towards Teddy on the far end of the hallway.

Meredith looked at Cristina. Her person just looked away and headed towards the lobby.

“They are just best friends. Like me and Meredith. Just best friends”. She keeps saying to herself.
After they ate lunch at the cafeteria, they planned to send the boys in day care for them to discuss work matters. It was a burden especially Theo as he does not want to let go of his mother, afraid that she might go away. Cristina is embarrassed as Theo cried and cried not wanting to be left out in other’s care. Morgan followed suit and Cristina did not have any choice but to bring the boys to her temporary office while on the hospital.

While Morgan was asleep for his afternoon nap, Theo just stayed beside his mother playing puzzles while Auntie Meredith discusses the program for the event.  After a while, The 5 year old dozes off and Cristina carried him to the couch to have a more comfortable sleep.

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