Chapter 9

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Callie was surprised to see Owen in the hospital. She is worried for him but did not ask anymore question and worked together with him that day. She may not make it obvious but she closely monitor Owen's every move in the OR. After the surgery, when they are the only people left on the scrub room, she talked to him.

Callie : Owen, I hope you don't get mad but there's something I want to tell you. I am saying this because I am your friend and I am concern about you.

Owen: Okay..

Callie : I know you are going through something because Cristina suddenly left you, but please don't make it hard for your kids.

Owen: Callie - please stop. Okay?

Callie : No. Owen. I am afraid that you are coming back from that dark place of yours again, since Cristina is not around. I mean - she helped you before and you know I am one of the witness of your struggles.

Owen: I know, but I cannot help it. It is not just fair...

Callie: I understand. This is not easy.

Owen: You know what makes me feel guilty? What makes me mad? Maybe.. not because she left.. It was because I did not notice anything - I was blinded by the feeling of contentment with her and with our kids. I was not sensitive enough to discern her unhappy state. I become so selfish too. Maybe I am not mad about her leaving.. I am mad of myself. I blame myself that this happened.

Callie: I am so sorry to hear that, Owen. But you know when I saw Theo's eyes that night on the conference room - it reminded me of Cristina's fear when you choked her.

Owen just looked at Callie, shocked. He did not noticed that. His mind was clouded with anger that time and he did not think of his kids innocence of what's happening.

Callie :You are a soldier, Owen and you have survive a lot of obstacles in your life. You need to be a better man for your kids. Cristina just needs time - she will come back. I know she will.

Owen: I am hoping for that too, Callie. Thank you.

Callie : You can always count on us. We are a family here, Owen. You are great person and a very good father. Your kids are fortunate to have a sweet man like you. Show them that side of yours - they need it most.

Owen hugs Callie and feels grateful that there is person like her that he considered as a friend and an extended family.


Meredith opens her front door, finding a red haired man - looking better this time.

Meredith: Oh Hey, Owen. Are you good?

Owen: Yes. Meredith. I am. Thank you.

Meredith: You are welcome. Your kids are wonderful, me and Derek did not have any difficulty taking care of them. Maybe because they are Cristina and we are used to a Cristina.

Meredith tried to laugh to lighten up the mood between them.

Owen: It's nice to hear that. Where are they by the way?

Meredith : Morgan is with Derek upstairs. Theo is playing with Bailey. Wait . I'll call him. Sit there in the couch first.

Meredith came afterwards carrying Theo, who is covering his face and holding at his Aunt's neck tightly.

Meredith: Theo, your dad's here.

Theo still does not want to let go. He was afraid of his dad.

Owen felt sorry, guilty and sad of last time's incident.

Owen: Buddy. Come here. Daddy's not mad. Trying to converse with his son in a soothing tone.

Owen: Daddy is sorry, baby. I am not mad at you. Okay? Please look at me darling. Please?

Theo slowly turns his head, looks at him and uttered " Daddy, please don't get angry"

When the boy let go from his Aunt's embrace, Meredith finally had the chance to hand over Theo to Owen.

Theo: Don't get mad, Daddy? Okay? I am scared.

Owen: I will not baby. Daddy is sorry. To prove that I am not mad anymore - lets go somewhere.

Meredith: Go on, he was upset because of that. Have fun first! - don't worry we'll take care of Morgan - he loves to be with Derek. You can pick him up later.

Owen: Thank you Meredith. We'll come back later.



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Owen brought Theo to the empty football field - the same place they play ball to release their stress during the merger of Seattle grace and mercy west. He get the tiny bat and gave it to his son, he also put a tiny helmet on his head. And he teaches his son how to hit the ball. On first attempts, Theo failed to hit the ball - until he gave a full swing and the ball flew far away than they expected. Theo was jumping with joy , Owen cheered and then carried his son to the air triumphantly. After their sporty moment, they went to the nearby fast-food to eat. Cristina is known to rely on take-out food and cereals but when it comes to their son - she does not allow it. That's why Owen knows how excited Theo was when he allowed him to drink soda and eat hamburger.

Theo: Daddy! When Mom is here, I will tell her that I hit the ball!

Daddy: Your mom will be happy to know that, bud.

He was thinking of what Callie said, he needs to set aside the anger and prioritize his kids condition. He still feel left alone, and it will take time for him to just let it go but on how he deals with it is what matters. As long as his kids are with him, feeling loved, he knows he can overcome this.

A/N :

- I In S11, Owen usually talks to Callie about Cristina , so I depicted it to this story - i love their friendship! ☺
- photo of Theo used in this story is not mine. ✌
- tell me what you think! 😊

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