Chapter 7

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Callie and Dr. Bailey together with Theo and Morgan are on the attending’s lounge.

Dr. Bailey: I may not understand what is on Yang’s head when she left her family, but these two offspring are the real victim here.

Callie: We do silly things sometimes. I know those two have a long history but they survive in the end. Cristina just needs to find herself to be a better mother.

Dr. Bailey:  Well, she needs to do it faster and Hunt needs to man up to be a damn well father.

Callie: Let’s hope for the best.

Meredith went inside.

Meredith : Callie, I’ll be taking these two kids to my house tonight. Can you help me? Derek is with the kids and I need to get their things on their house. I talked to Hunt.

Callie: Okay sure, no problem.  Is he okay now?

Dr. Bailey: he better be.

Meredith: I offered to babysit their kids this weekend while he clears off his head.

Callie: good idea. Okay. Let’s go.


Callie and Meredith drive to the Shepherd’s house in the woods.  Both women are silent since the two Yang-Hunt offspring are asleep. As they reached the porch, Derek is there waiting.  Meredith picks up Morgan from the car seat and carefully hand over the sleeping child to his husband. Then she lifts up the older kid who to her surprise, embraces her.

As they bid goodbye to Callie, the Shepherds went inside their house and settle their guests to their Mother’s room.

The two then went to their bedroom.

Derek: What happened there? Is Hunt okay?

Meredith: He is. He just needs to control his anger.

Derek: How about the boys?

Meredith: They were shocked of course. It is better that they are here, I think they are much safer.

Derek: You know, Hunt is good father, he’s just going through something.  You can’t keep his kids away from him.

Meredith: I know that and I am not keeping his kids away from him. I just think he needs to clear his head and have some space.  This is me helping him and Cristina.

Derek: They need to fix themselves. The kids are too young.

Meredith:  They will.


It was 2am in the morning, when Meredith receives a call from Cristina.

Cristina: Mer, open the door please.

Meredith: Where are you?

Cristina: Here, in front of your dreamy house.

Meredith: Okay, wait for me.

As she opens the door, she saw Cristina carrying two bags.

Meredith hugged her, Cristina started crying.

Cristina: Mer, you have to help me.

Meredith: What happened?

Cristina: I can’t. I need to leave.

Meredith: Why? You have to stay, Cristina. How about Owen, your kids, your job?

Cristina: Don’t ask me to stay please. I don’t know who I am anymore. Mer, help me please.

Meredith: Of course, I’ll help you. Tell me how.

Cristina: Send me to the airport. Do it for me please. I need to go.

Meredith: Okay. Okay.

As she dropped her off in the Airport, Meredith looks at Cristina. She can see hesitation in her eyes.

Meredith: Off you go then.

Cristina: Mer..

She enveloped her arms to her best friend.

Meredith: Go. Don’t worry, I’ll take care of them.  I love you. Call me when you get there. Get better please.

Cristina: thank you Mer.

As Meredith looks her best friend walk towards the gate, she started driving back while her tears fall down.  In the following morning, she is not surprised to see Owen in front of their house.


In the middle of night, Meredith phone keep ringing. Derek sleepily wakes her up and gave her phone. She looks at the screen and saw an unfamiliar number.  She answered it. It was Cristina.

Meredith:  Cristina. Thank god. How are you? Where are you?

Cristina: Here in Zurich. How is everyone? How is Owen?

Meredith: To be honest. Not okay but I am managing it.

Cristina: I am sorry.

Meredith: Your kids are here. Sleeping on your room. Do you want to see them?

Meredith started a video call and Cristina accepted

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Meredith started a video call and Cristina accepted.

Meredith faces her phone towards the two boys on their peaceful slumber.
Cristina smirked when she saw Morgan's onesie.

Cristina: Why is he wearing that?

She smiled.

Meredith : Ohh. Callie helped and changed his clothes. I think it's cute. Do you want me to wake him up?

Cristina: Oh please. Dont. It’s alright this way. Let him sleep.

She can no longer hold it so she let her tears fall, as she stared the evident face of her youngest son displaying on her phone screen -  not fully aware of what is happening around him.

They stayed like that for 5 minutes. Meredith holding the phone, silently as she watches her best friend crying on the other side. 

Meredith: You need to get better Cristina. Once you are well enough, you will have your life back.

Cristina know she needs to undergo a therapy which Teddy offered.

A/NAnd of course, Mer knows where Cristina is!

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