Chapter 18

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We keep this love in photographs, we made these memories for ourselves 🎶

She put the medical journal on the table; she smiled and turned her swivel chair. She then stood up and looking at the framed pictures on her display table behind.  There’s a picture of her with Mer, Derek and Zola, her wedding photo with Owen and a framed picture that was on their nightstand before - which she has taken the night she left, it was a picture of her little boys with Asian features and vaguely dark brown hairs. Her genes are strong that her boys resemble her more than their father. She looks at the picture intently and notices how the photograph captured their innocence, it’s a pinched in her heart, looking at the picture devours her feelings of guilt. She put it aside and notices a new addition – a recent picture of her and her husband in a bridge in Zurich surrounded by love locks. She rolled her eyes when she realized he had printed a hard copy and put it into her office but then smiled as she remembers the moment it was taken.

Owen started to off the engine of the motorcycle - he and his wife hop off.  As Cristina wears off her helmet, she began to wonder what her husband is up to now. First, he rented a motorcycle, drove around town, went to a bridge to take a look of the scenic night view of the city.

Cristina: So, now what?

Owen held her hand and guides her direction towards another bridge. As Cristina took a glimpse of where they are headed to she stared at him.

Cristina: You’ve got to be kidding me.

Owen just smiled. He then showed a lock from his pocket. Cristina rolled her eyes.

Cristina: Seriously?

Owen: It’s just a lock, Cristina and we are going to pinned it on this bridge.

Cristina: I thought this is only done in Paris?

Owen: Well, there’s also one here in Zurich and since we are here – we will do it here.

Cristina: Why?

Owen is not listening to her. He’s busy writing his name on the lock; afterwards he held her hands and put the marker pen and the lock on her palms. Cristina stared at him.

Cristina: You know I don’t do this kind of thing.

Owen: It’s just a lock. Don’t make a big deal about it.

Cristina: It’s a love lock.

Owen: Yeah. So, as you see I wrote my name on it – and you have to write yours as well together with my name.

Cristina: and I have to do that because?

She still sure can be a kill joy sometimes.

Owen: Cristina… just do it please.

Cristina: Okay. Okay. Mister.  Hold on.

She then writes her name and gives the marker and lock to Owen.

Cristina: There you go.  Happy now?

Owen smiled, drew a heart between their names which makes Cristina guff, he then proceeds  to the one side of the bridge and locked it. Cristina is statued on the same spot, arms crossed and waiting for her husband to finish whatever he’s doing.

Owen stood up, still smiling, he went towards his wife, put in his embrace and when he let go – she gave her a key.

Cristina: what’s this for?

Owen: A key to the lock. If you don’t want me in your life anymore  you can just unlock our lock and throw it. As you know love lock symbolizes forever Cristina. Do I really have to explain it to you?  As years went by, as we know each other distinctly and have known each other’s perfect imperfections – there’s an unknown force that keep us going back to each other no matter what. So, yeah – love lock is just a symbol on how much I treasure our love forever.

Cristina: You really believe on things?  You do know that sometimes I think that you are more girl than I am.

He then put his arms around her shoulders, as she felt the embrace Cristina put her head on her husband’s embrace as they walked away from the bridge. She sure appreciates the simple gesture. She then looked up and meets the pair of blue eyes who stares at her adoringly.

Cristina: Owen..

Owen: Yes?

Cristina: You just love-locked me.

Owen: Yes I did.

Cristina:  I did not give you permission to do that tho.

Owen : So?

And then he laughed. She may be difficult to deal with sometimes but he loves this woman so much. There’s really no one like her. No one.

In Owen’s office, you will find two medical journals lie on his table and placed on the center together with the reports and charts. One medical journal has a neatly tore page and one is still intact for safekeeping.

On the center of the office, you will find diplomas and the Grey Sloan as Level 1 Trauma Unit, there’s also a blonde man busy pinning an article on the wall –this may not be his, but he considered it as an achievement and he feel proud. On the frame is picture of a woman he loved featured in the medical journal for her work in conduits to aid children’s heart with Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome. The photograph captures her in her usual pose, arms crossed and with a serious facial expression which signifies how passionate and serious she is on her work. It is far from her smiling aura on the pictures with the people she values most.

When Owen was contented on the place of the new display on his office, He took a last glimpse and then went out to take his sons from the daycare.


Cristina found the bridge, tourists are taking photographs, and couples are busy writing their names and locking their love locks. She went to the exact spot where Owen put their love locks. As she look at it, she saw her name and his name, and Theo’s and Morgan’s name on the back  - and then surprised to find a tiny lock beside it with her name on it as well but this time the word  beside it is “cardio”. So, it symbolizes her forever with Cardio as well. She laughed “Oh, Owen”. 

She stood up, looks at the view and then throws the key of their love lock on the river.

A very light and quite mushy chapter (+ add on scene from Chapter 15) .

Picture themed chapter as well : Since we feel Cristina's importance on the show through her pictures.  (1) The Article (2) Cristina's picture on Mer's  phone (Phone call).

And, Oh yeah. That's a 300th episode reference there. "There's no one like Cristina. No one".

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