Chapter 17

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Owen knocked on the door of a suburban home.  He was welcomed by his mother and followed by a bouncy 5 year old, who immediately swooped into his arms and gave him a tight embrace.  After their greetings , he noticed that both of them are waiting for someone to appear behind him, but in few seconds it seems they realized, he was just alone.

Evelyn: Are you alone? Where is your wife?

Theo: Dad, where’s mom? Grandma said you went far to bring her home.

Owen tried to change the topic; he does not know what to respond.

Owen: Where’s Morgan?

Theo: He’s sleeping.

Owen: Oh I see, you did not miss me?

Theo: I do but I miss Mom more.

He started to cry, disappointed that his mom is still not around. Owen hugs his little boy, he too feel sad. He lifts him up and uttered…

Owen: Mom is just busy Theo. She said she misses and love you so much. I have presents; she bought it for you and Morgan. Would you like to take a look?

He tried his best to shift his son's attention, and he knew he succeeded at this time being but when he glanced toward his mother, he saw her expression, mixed with sympathy and disappointment but she did not say anything and just went straight ahead to their kitchen. Owen, on other hand, wipes the tears on Theo’s cheeks and went upstairs with him  to his room; he kissed his peacefully sleeping youngest son good night.  He opens some toys and  gave Theo a chocolate, so he has something to be busy with. When he thinks the child is settled, he asked that if he can go downstairs and the boys nods his hea, allowing him to leave with his new items.


Mrs. Hunt, is a very nice woman, she is always calm, most of the people who knew her is aware of how kindhearted she is and often ask her if she gets angry at all.

When Owen left Theo, he went straight ahead to the kitchen since he knew she need to talk to him. He saw her in the dining area, seated on her usual spot with a cup of tea in front of her.  He silently move and placed himself on the seat across, he notice a cup of coffee waiting for him, he just stares at the cup to avoid eye contact with his mom.

Mrs. Hunt looks at his son; He may not be perfect but through it all, she knows her Owen is a good and a loving man. Now, she cannot help but feel sorry for him. She’s been aware of the complicated relationship of her son and Cristina, but never once she meddled on their problems, nor did she ask any questions every time Owen suddenly comes home and stays for couple of days. But this time is different; they are a family with two innocent children. She does not understand how a mother can leave her children, when it took her years to hope and always pray that her son and daughter are alive on the time they were serving for the country and working in Iraq. She hopes she can talk sense to her daughter-in-law but right now, the important thing is to confront his son first, since she knew him better.

Owen is still silent; he keeps on stirring the coffee in front of him. He only looks up when her mother talked.

Evelyn: Owen, why are doing this to yourself? What has happened to you?

Owen: Mom…

Evelyn: I just feel sorry for the kids, I don’t understand you and Cristina…. I don’t understand this.

He just stared at his coffee, he keeps on stirring it. His mom continues to talk.

Evelyn: Are you planning to file for a divorce? Are you going to have the full custody of the children?

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