Chapter 20

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Her office table is full of paper works, various charts, medical journals and mails from other hospitals. Her eyes are on the computer busy answering emails, she did not notice that someone walked inside her office.

The woman clears her throat. She looks up.

Cristina: Teddy. I didn't hear you come in.

Teddy: I knocked but you did not hear so I just went it... I hope you don't mind.

Cristina: It's okay. I was just answering emails.

Teddy: Oh I see.

She then notices that she is holding an envelope.

Cristina: So... anything for me?

Teddy: Oh yeah, and I want to be the one to hand it to you.

She handed the envelope to her. She knows that hospital logo very well. She just stares at it.

Teddy: I have the same invitation too and I am going.

Cristina looks up to Teddy but she is still silent. "Am I ready?" "Do I have the face to go back?" all thoughts in her mind. It has been 5 months since she last spoke to Owen - her priority is her work and these past weeks where she was travelling all over the world she did not have the time to call him. At first, Owen is asking her to create a social media account for them to connect through internet since she is in overseas most of the time but she is not the type and those messaging apps is just not her thing. The last message she got from him is when he mentioned that Theo had a breakdown, so he called her and she sent a voice message to Theo and reassures him that she misses him too and will come back soon. She does not have the courage to talk to him directly so that's the best thing she can do for their child. But then, her work happened and going back to Seattle delayed and then eventually, they were out of the zone again.

Owen, on other hand, also did not respond the last time she tried to contact him again. It pains her heart but she knows deep inside it was her fault.

She was still lost in her thoughts when Teddy clears her throat again.

Teddy: Are you going? Because we need to confirm and respond within 2 days for them to send our plane tickets.

Cristina: I don't know. Maybe? I am not sure.

Teddy: Have you talked to Owen?

Cristina: No.

Teddy: Cristina...

Cristina: We lost communication at some point and then I tried to call him back to ask how he is and the kids. He is not returning my phone calls or even my emails. It's my fault.

Teddy: I thought you were okay.

Cristina: We are... but I don't know....time and you know how focus I am when it comes to work. Millions of heart patients are waiting for me.

Teddy: Cristina, you are not a single woman, Yes you are a doctor, a surgeon, but you also have a family... you need to connect...

Cristina: I know that! I did! He's the one who did not respond. I tried to ask Meredith but with her as Chief of Surgery - we did not talk that much lately. How about you? Have you talked to Owen?

Teddy: uhhmmm. I think you should talk to Owen about it.

Cristina: I know he's talking to you if he's not talking to me.

Teddy: I don't think I should interfere with your lives but if you want to know...yeah I am talking to Owen like you talk to Meredith...

Cristina: See, you know...

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