Chapter 4~ Seeing Her Part One

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Chapter 4~ Seeing Her Part One

"Hurry up." I say to the elevator who is taking forever to close its doors.

The doors were an inch from closing when suddenly I saw a hand push through the crack causing the doors to open again. I let out a long sigh as a woman and a little girl stepped inside the elevator.

"You're Jesse Swanson, right?" the woman asked.

I was shocked by her sudden question, how does she know who I am?

"Uh, yeah." I answered with a tone that showed how confused I was.

"I'm so sorry about what happened."

"Um, how do you know...any of this?" I asked.

"Haven't you turned on the news lately?" she asked and I shook my head no.

"Your accident is all over the news. They said they haven't seen brain damage as bad as Beca's since, well, ever."

Suddenly, the elevator doors slid open revealing the second floor.

"Well, good luck. I hope she wakes up." the lady said then got off.

"Me too." I said to myself as I watched her through the closing doors.

After a minute, the elevator doors opened once again reavealing the scenery of the third floor. I walked out and into the hall. It was eerily quiet except for the murmurs of people talking as I limped passed them.

"Uh, excuse me. Can you tell me what room Beca, I mean, Rebeca Mitchell, is in?" I asked the lady at the desk.

"Sure Mr. Swanson." the lady said then typed something into her computer. 

I looked around as I waited. People tried their best not to look at me. What is their deal? Haven't they ever seen someone survive a wreck?

"Ok, she is in room 309." the lady pulled me from my thoughts.


"Your welcome." she said then I started to walk away.

"Oh, and Jesse!" I stopped to look at her. "Good luck." I nodded then slowly limped off to Beca's room.

I laid my hand lightly against the doorknob. I am having second thoughts about this. What if she passes away while I'm in there? What if I start crying? I can't do that because then I'll never stop. I pulled my hand off the knob and turned to leave.

"Where do you think you're going?" I heard a familiar voice.

I turned around to see Stacie.

"Stace-" she cut me off.

"Don't tell me you're leaving. You haven't even gone in yet."

"I-I can't. I thought I could but-"

"But nothing. Jesse you have to go in there."

"But, it hurts."

"I know it does but it will only get worse if you don't see her."

I didn't say anything, I just listened as Stacie kept talking.

"Jesse, you are the one person Beca loves most in this world. She would talk about you all the time. Everyday this summer, after you guys hung out, Beca would call me up and tell me every gruesome detail of what happened. Granted, she didn't come right out and say 'I love Jesse', that's not who she is but you know what? She didn't have to. It's just the way she talked about you, that glow she would get when you were in the room, or that huge smile she got when you sang, that's what would give it away."

We both chuckled a little and Stacie got closer to me. She put her hands on my shoulders and looked me straight in the eyes.

"I know this is hard Jesse but Beca needs you. If there's any chance of her waking up, she will need the man that she loves by her side."

" Let me guess, because love conquers all."


"Nice try but looking at everything that's happened these past few days, I don't think love really lives up to its expectations." I said then turned around only for her to yank me back around to face her.

"Are you kidding me, Jesse?! Nobody said love is easy. Love is something you have to fight to get then you have to continue fighting to keep it. Take last year as an example. Beca kept pushing you away but you didn't let that stop you, did you?"

"No, but this is different. There was a good chance that I could get her to let me in. There's a bad chance that this time, I'm gonna lose her."

"It doesn't matter about chance, Jesse! It matters about love. Last year you fought to break down her barriers and she fought herself to help break down those barriers! Jesse. If the situations were reversed, do you think she'd abandon you?"

"They're not."

"What if they were?"

"Doesn't matter cuz they're not."

"Jesse! Just answer the question! Would she abandon you?"

She looked pretty angry so I decided to answer.

"No. No, she wouldn't."

"That's right. She'd fight for you and do you know why?"

"I don't know, because she loves me?"

"Yes. Because she loves you and because she believes that love can conquer all."

She paused for a moment then continued to speak in a much calmer tone this time.

"Jesse, not only do you need to do this for Beca but you need to do it for yourself. I know you and I know you can't live with the agony of not knowing. You need closure and this is the only way to get it."

I looked down at the floor and we both fell silent.

"Thank you, Stace." I broke the silence then pulled her into a hug.

"Your welcome." She said and hugged me for a little longer.

"Ok, go see your girl so the rest of us can." She said as she pulled herself out of my arms.

"Remember, love conquers all." She said with a smile then sauntered off to the elevator.

Once again I laid my hand on the doorknob. I took a deep breath then slowly turned it. The door slowly opened and I stopped it when it revealed Beca. The moment I laid my eyes on her my whole body went weak then my knees buckled underneath me. I dropped to the floor and did the one thing I didn't want to do the most.

I cried.

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