Chapter 27~ Saving Beca Mitchell

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Chapter 27~ Saving Beca Mitchell

*Stacie's P.O.V.*

After a long night of pleasure with Donald, it's already 5 in the morning. Donald left for work and I decided to get some sleep. Almost as soon as my head hit the pillow, I was jerked back up by an awful scream from down the hall. Immediately recognizing the scream, I jumped up and ran toward it.

"What the h*ll happened?!" I asked when I burst into Beca's dorm. Beca was laying unconscious on her bed while Jesse was pacing around the room.

"I don't know. We were just kissing then she started screaming and next thing I know she passes out in my arms." Jesse explained and I could hear the worried sobs as he tried to choke them back.

"Sh*t. Ok, calm down. If you start crying then I'll cry." he took a couple deep breaths. "Ok, um, did you check her vital signs?"


"Jesse, that's the very first thing you should do!" I said running to Beca's side.

"Well excuse the f*ck out of me! When my girlfriend suddenly screams and passes out in my arms, the first thing that pops into my mind is freak out. Not check her d*mn vitals!" he said as I checked them.

"Ok, her vitals seem to be good but I'm no doctor. You may wanna check up with that doctor of yours."

"Good idea, sit with her."

"Why? It's not like she's gonna go anywhere."

"Because it will make me feel better. Just appease me, please." he said, pressing his phone to his ear.

I threw my hands up in surrender as I sat beside Beca. I watched Jesse as he paced around the room. With all of the stress he's under his muscles keep tensing up and I'm just now noticing how good he looks with no shirt. Sweet momma of pearl is he hot!

"Beca, you are one lucky aca-b*tch." I said to Beca's unconscious body, still watching her boyfriend pace around the room.

"We sort of, you know, had our first time last night." I heard Jesse explain. "It was our first time ever." he stopped talking and listened to the doctor. "Okay, thank you Dr. Stevens. Good bye."

Jesse hung up and sat on the other side of Beca. I watched him as he wrapped Beca's tiny hand in his larger one. He lightly placed a kiss on the back of it then just caressed it.

"What did the doctor say?" I asked.

"Beca loves me right?" his question caught me by surprise.

"What? Of course she does. Why would you even ask that?"

"The doctor said that the pleasure of being intimate with the person you love can trigger the return of her memories."

"So she could be getting her memories back?"

"Yes. The blackout could have been caused by the force of the memories as they return all at once. He said that if she doesn't wake up and stay up within the next hour I have to get her to the hospital."

"For someone who just found out his girlfriend could remember  him you don't seem too happy."

"It doesn't mean anything to me if she's not alive to enjoy it." I nodded, fully understanding.

"This is going to be one long hour." I said, removing the hair from Beca's face.

"You have no idea." he said, placing a light kiss on her lips before gently pressing his forehead against hers.

*Jesse's P.O.V.*

It's been the longest 30 minutes of my life! Stacie is sitting on the bed, starting to doze off while I'm sitting at Beca's desk fully awake. My head is in my hands and I'm just trying to stay optimistic about this. I hear a slight moan coming from Beca and Stacie and my head shoot toward her. She's slowly starting to sit up and I'm frozen in shock until I hear her say my name.

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