Chapter 6~ Back to School

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Chapter 6~ Back to School

"Wow, how did this stuff not get crushed with the car?" My mom asked the Coomes employee.

We are watching this man pull our boxes out of my car. I'm quite surprised myself. If you could see this car you would understand why.

"When this car was hit it didn't affect the back. The boxes jerked around a little but the impact wasn't forceful enough to bother them. The front is a different story though, if anybody was sitting in this passenger seat it would be a miracle if they lived to tell about it." the man said and I grabbed boxes and began putting them into my mom's car.

"What's his problem?" I heard the man ask my mom.

"His girlfriend was in the passenger seat of this car, she's in a coma and the doctors don't think she's gonna make it." My mom answered.

"Oh I'm so sorry, if I would've known I wouldn't have said that." the man apologized to me as I reentered the room.

"It's ok, can we stop talking about this now and get these boxes into the car. We have to be at Barden by 4." I said then continued loading the boxes into the car.


"Ok, call me if you need anything." My mom said after we loaded my things into my dorm. "Bye sweety."

"Bye mom." I said then closed the door behind her. I looked around the room that was half Star Wars and half plain then took a seat on my bed.

After a minute I decided it was time to start unpacking. I have to be careful because these boxes aren't marked and I might open up one that belongs to Beca. I took a deep breath and closed my eyes before opening up one of the boxes sitting beside me on my bed. I slowly opened my eyes and peered at the contents of the clothes.

I put my clothes in the corresponding places in my dorm then without thinking, I tore into another box and my heart sank. The box had girl clothing in it, Beca's clothing. My knees became weak and I dropped down onto my bed. I stared at the box for a moment.

I pulled the shirt that was laying on top out of the box. I stared at it and the memory of the first day I saw her wearing this shirt played in my head. It was our first day at the radio station. I remembered how her face looked when Luke told us no sex on the desk and the way her eyes quickly fluttered up to meet mine when I called her beautiful.

I set the shirt down on my bed and went back to the box. I pulled another shirt out and something fell onto my bed. I replaced the shirt in the box and looked at what had fallen. It was a picture frame containing a picture of me and Beca at her dad's house for a family outing. She had brought me along so she wouldn't be as bored. We look so happy in this picture. I'm kissing her cheek and she's got this big beautiful smile on her face.

"Hey, Jess." Benji pulled me out of my head. "We're having a Treble meeting."

"Ok, I'm coming." I carefully put the picture back into the box and followed Benji down to the Treble house.


When we arrived at the Treble house all if the guys were debating something very loudly.

"Guys, guys!!" Benji yelled and they all shut up and looked at us.

"So what's this meeting for?" I asked. I saw Bumper appear from the group of guys.

"Bumper wants back in. We voted and we have a tie we need you, our leader, to break that tie." Benji explained. "Yes or no?"

This is a big decision to load onto me right now. I think for a minute. We do need the extra help though and he does have a good voice. He won't need training since he's been through this before.

"Yes but only because we need the help but cross us once and you're out." I said. Bumper looked like a little girl as he jumped for joy. I ignored him and took a seat on the couch, getting lost in my head again.

"We need some music!!" Bumper said as he fiddled with his iPod. He found a song and connected it to the iPod dock, the room fell silent as I immediately recognized the drum beat then the words.

"Oh where, oh where, can my baby be?

The Lord took her away from me.

She's gone to heaven so I got to be good,

so I can see my baby when I leave this world.

We were out on a date in my daddy's car,

we hadn't driven very far.

There in the road straight ahead,

a car was stalled, the engine was dead.

I couldnt' stop, so I swerved to the right,

I'll never forget the sound that night.

The screaming tires, the busting glass,

the painful scream that I heard last." I heard Eddie Vedder's (lead singer of Pearl Jam) voice boom through the speakers. I didn't hear the chorus that I knew all too well because I quickly jumped up and, with tears in my eyes, I ran for my dorm.

*Benji's P.O.V.*

"What the h*ll is his problem?" Bumper asked after Jesse ran out the house, I could see the tears in his eyes.

"Why did you play that song?" I asked Bumper.

"It's a good song.  Why? What's wrong?"

"Do you remeber Beca?" I asked,

"The hot and slutty brunette from the Bellas?" he asked.

"No, the hot brunette with all the dark make up and those huge headphones always hanging around her neck." Donald interjected.

"From the Bellas?" Bumper asked.

"Yes, Bumper. She's one of the Bellas." I said.

"Then yes, I remeber her. Why?"

"She's Jesse's girlfriend, or at least was. Her and Jesse were headed up here when a semi rammed into their car. Beca's in a coma and the doctors say there a 99% chance she will not wake up."

Bumper's expression immediately dropped. "O-oh my God. Why didn't I hear about this?"

I just shrugged my shoulders.

"Ok guys, let's practice a little." I said.


When I got back to my dorm after pratice I noticed that Jesse wasn't there. He left me a note on our mini fridge.


Went to the hospital to see Beca. Be back soon.


I threw the sticky note away and grabbed a soda from the fridge. As I bent over to reach inside the fridge I saw a picture frame on Jesse's nightstand. I never noticed it before and when I took a closer look I realized it's not his picture. It was the picture that I had taken for Beca at her family outing over the summer.

I know what you're thinking, why was I at Beca's family get together? Well, the answer is easy. We are family friends, our dad's have known each other since high school.

I picked the frame up and looked at the picture. A smile formed on my face as I remebered the day I took this. I looked at it for a minute more then replaced it on Jesse's nightstand. I flopped onto my bed and began typing an essay for Dr. Mitchell's class.


Sorry for the late update. It's hard trying to write a book about a person in a coma when you have never been in or had a loved one in a coma. I'm doing my best, hope you enjoyed this chapter. I don't think it was very good. 

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