Chapter 9~ What?!

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Chapter 9~ What?!

*Beca' s P.O.V.*

As I rested my hands on Jesse's chest to stop him from getting any closer, I saw that all too familiar look in his eyes. It was the same look he had from the first time I stopped him from kissing me. He looked hurt and I don't know why. Why does he want this to happen between us? Why is he choosing me of all people? I can't just let people in my life, I can't get hurt like that again, why can't he just see that?

"You don't remember." He said quietly as he slumped into the chair by my bed.

"I don't remember what?" I asked. He didn't answer, he just put his head in his hand and stared at the floor. "Jesse." He looked up at me, "What don't I remember?" He looked at me for a moment then gave me an answer I didn't expect to hear.

"You're my girlfriend, Beca."

I laughed a little, "You're kidding right?" I asked but the look on his face gave me my answer and I immediately became serious. "That can't be true. I promised myself I wouldn't have a boyfriend, that I wouldn't get hurt again."

"I know, I know but you have changed, Beca. You made 9 new girl friends and after a lot of fighting for it you finally gave me a chance."

"Wha-why? I am so confused!" I said then ran my hand through my hair.

"Beca, what's the last thing you remember?" Jesse asked. I looked up at the ceiling in thought.

"Uh, being in the police car after the window incident at regionals."

"Wow, it's worse that I thought." He said under his breath but I still heard it. "Ok, it's 2014 now, Bec. We finished freshman year and we are now sophomores at Barden." Jesse explained.

"What? No. This can't be right, we still had a little over a half a year." I argued and Jesse just shook his head at me. I took a deep breath to calm my nerves. "What put me in that coma?" I asked.

"A car accident. We were headed back to Barden when a semi crashed into us."

"How long was I out?"

"Little over two months."

"Two months?!!" That's a great deal of time. "If it was only two months then why don't I remember the past year?" I asked trying to understand all of this.

"Your brain was damaged. It caused you to have memory loss." He answered. Now I get it.

"Will I ever remember?"

"It's possible." Jesse then it went quiet.

"So how am I supposed to remember?" I asked when I couldn't stand the silenclr any longer.

"Your friends, family, and I have to gradually pull all of those memories back up."

"How do you plan to do that?"

"You'll all of the things you used to do. You'll go back to being a Bella and I will go back to trading witty banter with you then when the time' s right I'll take you out t-"

"Woah!" I cut him off. "The Bellas I can handle but a boyfriend? I don't know. Like I said, I can't risk getting hurt."

Jesse took a long breath before standing up. He then placed his hands on either side of me and looked me in the eyes, our faces just inches away.

"I am NOT going to hurt you, Beca. I spent our entire freshman year fighting for you to let down your walls and let me in. You just kept pushing people away but I never gave up on you. I kept fighting until the end. I wasn't willing to lose you then and I'm sure as h*ll not going to now. Now matter what God throws our way I will never stop fighting for you." He said and I saw his eyes get glassy as he spoke. "I love you, Beca Mitchell and some stupid memory loss is not going to change that. I will always love you." He finished then stared into my eyes. I don't know why but I couldn't pull myself to look away. It was like something was drawing me to him.

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