Chapter 26~ Hangovers and Blackouts

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Chapter 26~ Hangovers and Blackouts

*Chloe's P.O.V.* 

 I woke up to this awful pain that felt as if someone was ripping my skull in half. Holy sh*t, how much did I drink? I massaged my temples before slowly opening my eyes. The moment the light pierced my eyes, the pain in my head immediately intensified. I let my eyes adjust to the light before observing my surroundings. It's a dorm, I know that much, but I don't think I've ever been in this room and judging by the awful sandpaper feeling wrapped around my body, I'm naked beneath these sheets. Wait. Hangover, unfamiliar dorm, and I'm naked. Oh, don't tell me I-yup, I did. I had drunk sex.

Chad McCormick, you know the ex that destroyed Beca, was completely naked and fast asleep in the bed next to me. What have I done?! I slept with Beca's ex, that's what I've done! Why did I do this? I'm her friend! What's she going to make of me when I tell her that I banged her ex? Sh*t! He's waking up, I have to get out of here. 

I slowly crawl out of the bed and rummage around the mess he calls his room, looking for my clothes. Bra, shirt, pants, shoes. What am I missing? Panties! I rummage around the mess until, a ha, found my knickers. I quickly slip into my clothing. He starts to stir in the bed and I quietly slip out the door. I speed walk through the hall until he's out of earshot and, with all the adrenaline running through my body, I decide to call Beca.

The phone rings a couple of times. The words choke me when Beca's voice echoes through the receiver. What am I going to say? How am I supposed to tell her that I just slept with the man that tore her heart out in high school? I guess there's really only one way to do it. I have to just rip the bandage off.

"Hello? Chloe?" her voice pulls me from my thoughts, reminding me that she's waiting for me talk.

I so hope this doesn't effect our friendship.

*Beca's P.O.V.*  

I awoke to the sound of my phone vibrating very loudly against the floor. I carefully removed myself from Jesse's grip and searched in the combination of his and my clothing for my noisy device. I spotted the light blinking in my pants pocket. I grabbed it and curled back into Jesse, his body heat immediately warming me back up. I looked at the caller I.D. to see Chloe. What does she want? I slid my finger over the answer button and pressed the phone to my ear.

"Hello." I answered as I Jesse started to stir next to me. It was quiet. "Hello? Chloe?"

"Oh, right. I guess you want to know why I called you."

Normally, I'd give this a smart a*s response but, being in a strangely good mood, the sarcasm seemed to withdrawal itself.

"Kind of." I answered.

"Beca,  I did something bad. Please don't hate me. I was drunk and stupid and I had no control-" she started to ramble but I cut her off.

"Chlo! " she shut up. "What did you do?" she took a deep breath before answering.

"IsleptwithChad." she said it quickly in hopes that I didn't hear it.

"You slept with Chad?" I repeated.

"Yes. I'm so sorry Beca, I just, I don't know what happened. You can hate me."

"Chloe, I don't hate you. I don't even care."

"But, he is your ex."

"Exactly, he's my ex. He's not mine anymore, like that really made a difference to him." she was quiet on the other end. "Chloe, he's single and you're single. There's nothing stopping you."

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