The girl

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Chapter 1

Voices drift into my ears as I lay on the cold dirt. Pain riddles my body as I lay paralyzed on the earths crust.

The smell of my own blood wafts into my nose and makes my stomach turn and do little flips. Fear wraps its way around my core as I lay spread out on the exposed earth. Objects scratch my skin painfully.

The smell burns my nose and hangs in the air along with the loud sound of the wind.

Dead grass brushes up against my exposed skin making my skin itch but I can not reach around to stop the irritation.

The coldness bites and nips at my exposed flesh and dances across my skin like ice.  The hair on my arms stand on end as the voices grow and wrap around me like a tight rope; squeezing me and stopping the intake of air.

My arms feel like their filled with lead and my legs feel like their strapped down because I can't seem to move. Water squeezes in between my fingers.

My blood freezes, my head bounds as pain slides up my back once again making me stiffen.

"What's this?" A voice drifts into the empty air as I stay frozen on the solid ground with my head tucked under my arm. Blackness dance along my vision its music the sounds of the world.

The hair on the back of my neck stands on end as voices reach my ears and vibrate through my body.

"It seems to be a body!"

The wind whips across my exposed skin and bites at my face. What happened to me can not be remembered or brought back but sits silently at the back of my mind like a prisoner.

My free hair hits my face rapidly as the wind slowly picks up pushing leaves around in the distance.  Fuzzy picture play over and over again in my mind as pain rips through my back then attacking my core.

I try to move my body, but the pain that explodes from me makes me stop with any sudden movements.

The drumming on head feels like I am being pelted with large rocks and my legs feel like I have been run over by a car; stomping me into the dirt with large wheels.

Movement is not an option as pain rattles its way up my spine and crawls up the back of my neck then preceding to sit behind my eyes.

Every wave of hot pain that is sent through my body almost sends me over the edge as I stay limps and as stiff as a statue.

I hear the sound of voices in the distance.

Their are more than one, soft sounds fill the empty space between me and my companions as they approach me.

Their steps vibrate on the ground and find my body only a few inches away.

"It's a she wolf, Sir." His voice is ruff and gravelly. Soft breathing can be heard in the distance as my body feels another wave of body crushing pain. "Is she alive?"

My head pounds with every word spoken between the people in the distance. A soft touch slides over my skin gently feeling for my neck. Goosebumps jump along my arms.

"Yes." Breathing can be heard close by. "She's alive but barely." I want to scream but no words seem to pass my glued shoot lips.

Someone takes a few steps closer to me. Their heavy breathing increasing with every stride towards me. Then I feel large bare arms wrap around me. Small tingles shoot up my arm and wrap around my body.

The warmth I feel wraps around my body before another fiery blast of pain rips its way across my body.

"What are we going to do with her?" The last thing I hear before I blackout is, "I don't now?"

Sun light rips across my eyes as I wake, alone in a small white room with a square window cut into cream walls. The air in the small room is stale and old making me feel uncomfortable and cramped. My arms feel slightly numb and the pounding in my head has vanished.

The sun is up and it's shining brightly outside of the room.

I try to move a little but my whole body hurts, I hear the voices of two men talking in the corner.

My muscles scream out every time I try to move suddenly.

I freeze, "So, what have you found out about her?" I try to move so I can hear conversation better, "I have not found out anything interesting about her because she doesn't smell like a pack from around these parts."

There voices bounce around the room as one of them fumbles with a pen on his clipboard.

"It's like she has no scent of any kind." Then the slight sound of scribbles on paper.

"Is that even possible?" His voice sounds startled and confused at the new information presented to him.

"Well I guess it is know." The older man speaks up in a clipped voice and the shuffling of papers can be heard.

I open my eyes a little to see what they are observing. It seems to be a small wooden clipboard filled with different colored paper in order.

I open both of my eyes to get a better look at the males in my small hospital room.

The tallest guy has blue eyes and blond hair and is standing closest to the plain white door. His facial features seem older and more aged then the man standing next to him as a frown forms on his face.

The second person is short with brown short hair and light brown eyes and his standing closest to my bed. His stance almost looking forced and uncomfortable.

They keep talking for a short time before they open up the door and exit.

The air around me seem to get thicker and black starts to rim my vision. I wrestle with sleep for a while before I stop and give up the fight.

I look around the room before I drift into deep sleep.


Almost at 4k thanks guys

Please keep reading it might suck but please just keep reading

Please comment and tell me what u think

Ok.... Thanks


If your not a big fan of this book I have two other books out. One is called Wonder and the other is called Protector.
Please go check them out.

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