Is Blood thicker than water?

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Chapter 13

Waking through the forest all I could think about is what are they going to say. It is not much but I found a clue that could lead them in believing me.

My mind wonders as I glance down at the object in my grasp.

Taking long strides I reach the opening of the woods and push myself through the vines and bushes.

Most packs make a trail for there people but Adam did not want to destroy the wild life in this area saying that it was there home first we just came and ruined it.

Trees stretch up towards the sky and almost touch the sun with their green tops.

The sun shines brightly down from he paleness of the blue sky as black birds swoop and glide across the canvass of the sky.

Stopping to watch the people of the small pack I realized that I do not remember much but what I do remember I did not get to interact with the people of the village.

Walking to the door I pause and hear voice coming from inside. Pressing my ear to the wooden door I hear the faint whispers that sound like two men having a conversation.

"You better do your job. I'm not paying you for nothing."

"I cleaned up what needed to be cleaned."

"Someone saw. The whole town knows. All because you where careless."

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to."

"Next time do it right."

I walk through the door to see to the beta and some other man I do not recognize. They both stare at me for a second before the beta says something, "I'm sorry do you need something." He looks straight into my eyes with a kind of hostile look to him.

He rolls his shoulders and stands up straight trying to cover whatever he was talking about before.

I pause and stare back "No not at all." I look at them once more before exiting the room.

Well that sounded suspicious, I'll have to keep a close eyes on them two.

Strolling through the hallways and up the stairs I open the door to my room and jump onto the bed.

With a quite thud I rest my head onto the headboard and look up at he plain white ceiling.

Taking the knife out of my jean pocket I inspect it for any clues that might tell me whose this is. Looking at the handle there is small writing but I can not seem to see what it says.

Putting the butchers knife in a draw by my bed I lay down and drift of to sleep full of fear.

One...two....three.... How many minutes with pass before you learn about the past.

Four....five.... Getting closer but it might get grosser. Love is kind•love is sweet•water is thick•but blood is thicker. Will you find the the key in time.

Or will I have to recite the rhyme.

Waking up with a start I jump out of bed. Shaking off the feeling that someone was chocking me, I move far away from the bed as possible trying to breath normally again.

Holy crap what was that.

All I saw was that creeping little red head from my dream a few weeks ago. Her razor sharp teeth showing from between her spreader lips.

Rushing into the small bathroom I look into the mirror to see sweat running down my face.

Splashing ice cold water on my cheeks I go to sit down on the lid of the white toilet.

Never in my life have I ever been so scared.

Leaving the bathroom fully dressed and scared out of my mind. The dream settling over my mind like a blanket.

I walk down stairs just to run into Colton the beta. He looks me over before glaring daggers at me.

Wow someone needs to chill the out. Seems that someone does not like me very much, well if his involved in the mass of bodies I will expose him and his little helpers.

Walking away from Colton I go to look for Adam, finding him in the kitchen on the lower floor. "You need to listen to me okay, I found an object and I might have a person who is involved. Just help me and we might succeed in finding clues or even the bodies." I say an urgent voice.

He stops and looks down upon my face, "Do we really have to repeat this again I have made it very clear that there is nothing on my land my people have looked. What did they found nothing!" He looks at me with hard eyes, "Stop the childish games and get out of my face."

He walks past and I glare daggers at the back of his head.

I proceed to go look for clues. Retracing my steps to where I think I found the circular formation of boulders. Stepping in between the slice in the rocks I stand in the center of the circular formation looking around and wondering if I'm actually going crazy.

All see is a smooth and gray surfaces of rocks. Running my fingertips along the walls of the circle I realize that rocks that of been left out in the forest should not be this smooth it does not make sense.

Nothing adds up.

As I'm running my fingers along the walls of the circle one my nails hit a kind of indent maybe a button in the stone wall.

Pressing down on the circular button, stairs magically appear in the middle of the rock formation.

Staring down in amazement at the site before me I realize I found it I have found what I was looking for.

My evidence!

I fist pump the air.

Taking a quick glance around I turn towards the mystery stairs.

Descending the stairs case it is dark almost like a dungeon and makes me feel little bit nervous.

Running my hands down the wall of the dark hallway I cut my finger and silently cursing. I step into the darkness not knowing what I will discover.

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