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Chapter 5

"Steve, you may come in." How the hell do they keep doing that? I try to sort through my memories for anything that makes the slightest senses but end up empty handed and still full of unanswered questions.

"Yes Alpha." If he thinks I have anything to say, he is full of bullshit with a side of nope.

We walk in, my steps heavy against the wooden floor, I see Adam sitting in a large brown chair perched behind a massive desk. His eyes scanning over paper and other objects spread out on the top of his desk.

He scribbles down something on a plain white piece of notebook paper with a slight pained expression on his face before stopping his work to look up.

His dark brown eyes slowly looking me up and down, the feeling of my own skin crawling making me feel more uncomfortable then I would like to show, I look away from his unforgiving stare.

My eyes slowly take in the rooM, the office is very nice with a large window over looking the forest, the green trees from the woods stretching out almost forever.

A large brown desk sits in the center of the office. Two book cases line the side walls of the room. Plush carpet under my boots, but flattened from visitors.

The novels on the book case seem to be hundreds of years old because of the worn out leather covers and the falling apart spines. Different names pop up over the spines as my eyes take in the whole arrangement.

A tiny memory pops in my head from the sight, books lined up on a honey color desk, a mans fingers slowly sliding over them. I slanted smile...

Scowling as the memory fades I turn back to Adam to find a very rude scowl on his face.

He looks me over, puckers his lips and frowns. A look of annoyance graces his features. What am I that ugly and unappealing.

I frown right on back with a bigger frown then his. "I have a simple question for you missy. Why where you on my land." MISSY....What an idiot he thinks I know, "Why would you think I know why?"

That pissed him off big style. "You where on my land....... So yes I think you would know!" He was standing up by now.

Funny enough that does not scare me in the slightest. "Let me restate my question, Tell me why you're here." His fingers grip at his desk, the whites of his knuckles glare at me from afar.

"If I knew, don't you think I would have told you already!" Idiot. What a damn idiot. Alphas always assuming every wolf will crumble to their knees when they speak to them, classic.

"Don't you dare raise your voice at me little girl." Did he just call me fucking little!

"I WILL RAISE MY VOICE ALL I WANT THANK YOU VERY MUCH!!" I scrunch up my face and just stare at him. He looks at me for a very long time with slits for eyes, "Get her the hell out. Out of my sight!"

"Gladly." I smile and turn around, reaching for the door I swing it open with a satisfied look on my face.

Steve looks slightly uncomfortable walking back to the room with me. "Nobody has ever raised their voice at him and lived." His hands bunch up at his sides, his brows knitted together with concern.

What! I stare at Steve for a least a minute before he says a weird expression plastered on his older looking face, "You must be special."

Me...... Special...... What a load of shit. I sit in my room or should I say my prison, not knowing what to do with my boring self and confused thoughts; my mind is a fuzzy mess.

I am stuck in a place that I did not know and I will to have find a way out somehow or someway.

My mind is set on one thing and that one thing only.

I will get out of here.

I will make that a promise.


If I spell anything wrong just tell me because I suck at spelling.

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