The valley of hope

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Chapter 19

Tightly closing my eyes and trying to resist the urge to get and face reality. I wrap my arms around my middle and try to warm the empty space where Adam should be.

I still couldn't believe the destruction I had caused in the pack house, I had almost killed someone for God sack.

Ever since they found me all I have brought to this sweet and lovely pack is death and destruction. My mind was a jumble of thoughts and memory's of my actions only about a few hours earlier.

Waking up this morning I realized I was alone in this queen sized bed. I was just how I was feeling inside, the voices wouldn't leave me alone.

They rang through my head in a constant battle to invade my thought but the worst voice of all was the man in blacks.

It's low monotone sound made me cringe as the hair on the back of my neck stands on end.

Every sound that comes out of his throat sounds like fingers nails being dragged down the middle of a chalkboard.

Balling up my fists I lay in a fetus position on the queen sized bed alone.

Every sound though I hear every person that speak makes me want to ram my fist into a wall.

The pain and anger boiling below the surface makes me afraid of myself.

Every movement on the ground made my spine prickle and feel like glass was being slowly pressed into my back.

Shifting in bed so I am facing the bathroom door I get this weird feeling in my skull that it's being pushed by something like the barriers in my mind are being knocked down.

Slowly I feel this kind of prick and then I hear it the man in black voice clearly in my head.

"I know what your thinking my sweet angel your a danger to your 'new found home'."

The sick voice says in a mocking tone as it rings in my ears.

"Your skin is inching like you have fell into poison ivy."

"Your mind is playing tricks on you." Soft chuckles fill my head

"See you soon my sweet angel."

Shaking my head with great force I hold my hands to my ears. I need to leave I need to leave I chant softly to myself.

Quickly standing up I rush over to the closet and find my self a pair of jeans and a black top as my hands shake with there an unbearable speed.

I look around the room for a backpack and I find one under the bed under some other useless things.

Stuffing the small bag with a few items I'll need I open my window to a pitch black night sky.

I silently open the window all the way and look down at the fall below. The cool air nips at my cheeks and the wind whistles through the large pine trees covering the massive forest.

Judging from the hight I will defiantly make the jump without hurting myself in the process. Climbing on the windowsill I stop and look back into the plain white but comfy room.

Sighing I get down from the window and look around for a piece of paper and a pen.

Finding both in a small side table by the bed I write Adam a letter so he won't be worried that I have been taken.

Dear Adam,

I am truly sorry it had to come to this, but I have made a decision that I am a danger to your lovely pack. I know that my choice with not please you but I am making it because of you. I have also made the hard decision that I will go in such of the man who has brought me so much pain.

I'm also so sorry for ripping up you beautiful furniture and walls. I know you will be looking for me but I guarantee that you will not be successful in your search. If I ever survive this encounter with the man in black I will surely come right back to the only place I can call home but in the meantime please don't go searching for me you will just hit a dead end. I will always love you.

Love, Randi

I will always love you my beautiful rose in a garden of tulips.
Please stay safe.
With lots of love Randi.<3

After writing Adam his letter a single tear slips it way down my face and drops onto the the letter spearing the last few words.

Folding up the piece of paper I place it under the heavy lamp and quietly slip my way out of the window and onto the damp grass.

Running across the open grass field behind the pack house I make it to the woods before fully submerging myself into the thick green forest.

I take one last look at the beautiful place I wish I could call my permanent home and cover my mouth and let out a silent so leave my throat before disappearing into the dense green forest.

Running through the woods with my backpack I make it over the border without any trouble.

Wiping the cold sweat that lines my forehead I push on, not wanting to be caught by Adam and his team of wolves.

Stomping through big mud holes and over rocks my feet start to get tired. So I place my bag on the ground and I strip down my cloths and quickly shift into my brilliant white wolf.

Picking up the bag in my teeth I run through the dense green trees.

Finally decided that I have made it far enough out of the pack I find a hole in a massive tree and pull my tail under my body and listen to the sounds of different animals living around me.

Resting my head on my paws I let out a big wolf yawn and let my eyes slowly close.

Getting up the next morning I stretched out my body and let out a loud growl kind of yawn. If that's even possible?

Shacking off the dirt and dried leaves on my white coat. I timidly slide out from under the massive tree I had been sleeping in and went out on an adventure.

Smelling the crisp cool air I walk around in kind of a confused daze. I hadn't really thought my plan through, I just jumped out the window without a second thought.

I was starting to get hungry and remembered I hadn't brought anything with me, I was really going to have a tough time know.

Looking around for something I could nibble on I get a whiff of something. Just to tell you I have never been alone before so this was going to be challenge.

My wolf taking total control over me I feel her leading me towards this animal like smell.

Finding what she was looking for my body goes into a crouching position. The deer doesn't expect that where there and with one last whiff of the air I attack this poor defenseless dear.

My wolf not giving it a second thought digs her long canines onto the soft brown skin of the defenseless animal. Ripping the deer apart I eat what I want and leave the bloody corpse to be found by some scavengers.

Walking away from my meal I go to a stream that's close and wash my snout in the cold running water.

After finishing cleaning myself I see a small ledge peaking over the mountainside.

Climbing over rocks to get to this tiny ledge I look over the vast amount of trees stretching of the soft soil. I feel the pain in my heart and the heaviness of my soul as I look over the beautiful scenery.

Seeing big lakes and rivers bending and curving there way around the massive mountains that surround the valley.

The wind howling and the cold biting at the end of my nose and my fur shifting back and forth in the heavy gusts of wind. I realize in that moment that I will probably never go back to the place I call home.

Scowling at my own dark thought I howl up into the sky. I will find you man in black even if its the last thing I do. I breath in the crisp air, I will call this place the valley of hope.


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