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Chapter 6

Waking up around 2:30 started to make me wonder how I was going to escape and get out of this hell hole. I have some secrets up my sleeves that I can use to my advantage.

I sit upon my queen sized bed awake, a massive grin spreads across my face, in till the sun was right over the tallest tree to call for some "Help!"

I started to make lots of sound and throw thing like that really expensive looking lamp. CRASH!! What a pity..... I smile at all the damage that I have caused. Glass and blankets lay all across the floor, the door to the bathroom off its hinges.

Claw marks in the walls, my claw marks in the wall, going to have to repaint.

Two tall looking men open the door with a thud and crash goes another vase. I was standing there smiling like I have not done anything, a piece of s vase still clutched in my fingers, a full blown smile on my lips as it drops to the floor.

Just when their hands reach out to grab me I leap into the air and shifted, Stupid animals!

I guess you can call me a hypocrite.

I kicked of the fatter looking one with a swift bounce I was off. All I can hear is the sound of yelling and growling. "Get that FUCKING mutt!!!!!!"

Looks like I am not the only hypocrite in this building.

I take the stairs that lead straight for the front door. My claws tapping against the newly cleaned wooden floors. The wonderful place I call freedom with it large open space, air all I need is the grass under my paws and the wind running though my fur.

Bad idea, as I leap down the stair there is the Alpha looking a little bit pissed off, his hands in tight clenched fists.

Oops did I do that.

I jumped right at him and push him down on his pretty little ass. The growls I hear from him make me let out a wolfy laugh, the burst of fresh air as I pass the through the door is amazing.

The smell of pine trees and fresh air meet my nostrils as I let out a wolfy yelp for joy, I absolutely hate being caged in that prison.

I was out the door in no time, running as fast as my legs could take me. I could smell wolves all around me, many scents all mixed together.

Stupid little mutts I am faster than just,a stupid wolf. The sound of heavy thuds and loud gasps of air tells me it must be poor old Alpha. Hope he can run fast.

Zig zagging through trees and splashing through streams I finally lose him around the third tree, my tail swishing behind me.

Slowing down to a steady jog I could still smell them but they definitely lost my scent, their scents are mixed together with nature making me angry for destroying the beautiful scent of pine trees.

I was almost at the end of the packs land when I am crushed to the ground by a very heavy force and a very wet nose. They found me..... Great.

Dumb human you couldn't have made it, always so cocky well know your nose is smashed into the dirt. Not so cocky know you idiot.

Adam was the first to shift. " Shift." Wow scary that got me, almost wet my pants there. Wait, I am not wearing pants. " I told you to shift!"

I growled in response. " SHIFT!!" The look that is plastered on his face only makes me laugh. His eyes just got darker, may I have fun with this, yes.

Prancing around in my wolf form flicking my tail back and forth I just give of a wolfy laugh and shake my furry head. My long hair gets in my eyes but I shake it off and waltz around a little more. My long fluffy tail bouncing behind me as I brush it against another wolf, his body goes rigged.

I smell fear right though that big and beefy wolf.

Showing off my beautiful, cute, amazing, sexy, and should I say strong wolf body. Wolves should be competing for this prize because damn.

They move away as I make circles with my ears down and a half growl like sound vibrating through my throat.

Slowly scanning everyone in the crowd I let my wolf smile at all of them, their faces morphed into pure confusion, their mouths wide open and eyes bigger than the moon as I take another round of flicking my tail.

I stop my prancing and think it through to myself there is no way I am getting out of this.

So I shifted back, the cracking of my own bones filters though the air, standing tall and proud I slowly lock eyes with the Alpha as a smile lifts slowly onto my face.

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