Perfect pillows

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Chapter 18

Shifting in bed I hear the faint sound of Adams loud snores.

Sighing I try to lift his heavy arm from around my waist, carefully lifting up his hand with my fingers he grunts and pulls me closer to his warm body. "Don't try to escape me know." He rest his head on the small of my back and gently places a kiss on my neck.

Growling at him he lifts his head up to look at me.

I am not in the mood for this right know. "Hey miss grumpy pants don't get your tail in a twist." I silently give him a warning growl before he releases me from his strong grip. "Alright! Alright!"

He slowly gets up and walk into the closet to find his cloths for the day.

Getting up I feel like ripping someone's head off.

It feels as if someone's itching there way into my mind as I take a great I'd look at the nice white pillows on the bed.

Picking up my pillow I slowly rip a large hole through the center of the fabric and then throwing it against the wall.

Growling as the feathers of the pillow explode from the rip in the fabric I kick around the mess with my feet as I hear Adam open the closet door.

The sound of ripping fabric just fuels the fire within me.

I turn around to a confused Adam. "What the hell! What are you doing." I growl more loudly this time and grab another pillow and extent my claws and slowly rip a whole in the fabric as I stare directly into his big brown eyes.

He just stares and me and I throw the pillow behind me.

"I think you need to calm down."

"I think you need to shut your trap." I growl out.

"I demand you to stop." He says as I shred another plush pillow under my claws.
I laugh, "You can't demand me to do anything."

He walks towards me in a menacing fashion. I growl as the hatred feeds my angry wolf.

She howls and growls inside me as I knock over a lamp with the tip of my finger. He walks around the bed to stop me but as he comes closer I jump onto the bed and dig my claws into the soft fabric of the covers.

This time it's Adam that growls but it doesn't scare me in the slightest. I just growl back louder with a hiss at the end.

"Randi I swear to god if you don't get you ass off that bed and stop destroying our room I will come over there and stop you myself!!" I growl and as he lunges forward. He is not fast enough to grab hold of me as I jump out of his way.

I shift into my wolf and drag my finger nails on the walls and rip up the wall paper.

Adam faces scrunches up in anger and starts to turn beat red as he jumps of the bed to catch me. I run around in circles braking lamps and destroying the bed as Adam chases me around like a child.

The sound of my melt down must have been heard by some fellow bystanders and they burst into the room through the door.

They look between Adam and I before coming to help their Alpha.

One of the men comes up behind me as Adam and the other guy come towards me from the front.

The man behind me jumps forward to grab me from the back. As he touches me my Wolf reacts badly and kicks him straight in the face.

With a loud crunch he crumples to the floor with a scream of pain as I growl at him curled up figure.

"Know Randi we don't want to hurt you. You just need to calm down a bit honey."
I frantically move my head around and growl at Adam.

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