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Chapter 23

I felt like a prisoner being pulled away by a meaty ape of a man. Every time a kicked him he would growl and tightens his grin on my waist.

At this rate was not going to be able to breath for much longer.

"My offer still stands. You put me down and I will tear you limb from limb in a nicer manner." I stare at one of Adams pets and growl when he gives me a frightened look.

"Randi you will not be doing anymore killing for today." I snort. "You want to make a bet on those words."

The journey back to where the women where hiding took a while with me yelling abuse and everyone walking at a snail pace I believed we where going to be doing this all night.

"Hey how about we play a game." I smile as Noah chimes in, "I like games!"
"Hey you in front of me." Some small short boy turns he's head and looks at me. "Yes you with the black hair. What your name." He looks scared before answering in a low voice. "Matty."

"Matty, you look like you like games. Its like it is written on your back. You like games." I smile and raise an eyebrow.

"There's something written on my back." He pulls his shirt up to see as I smack my palm into my forehead.

"Your all hopeless!" I stare at the boy in front of me with cold eyes and he quickly turns around.

I can hear Noah having a small conversation with the people holding him by the arms about how the hell does the system work with Alpha, Betas, and Omega.

Really is he having a civilized talk with people who are dragging us back to there lands by force.

For God sake I might have chosen the wrong man for this job.

As we broke though the tree line I can see about 50 different people all gathered at the front of the half burned pack house.

As we approach them the old lady who asked what my name was comes rushing out for the crowd.

"Oh wonderful you got the girl who saved us. Aren't you just such a good boy Adam." I can hear Adam take in a breath. "Mother I'm the Alpha it is my duty." She pats his arm and looks at me.

"So what was all that fuss about young lady." I stare at he old lady with big eyes.

She chuckles. "Not a talkative one are you." Everyone burst out laughing at her words. She looks around confused.

"What is so funny." The old white haired women says.

The boy from earlier returns and says, "She wouldn't shut up the whole way here." Her wrinkled face lifts up into a smile that reminds me of a bunch of crumpled paper bags.

"Is that so. Well then why don't you put the girl down and we can have a civilized conversation without her being squeezed to death by you." She points her old wrinkled finger at Adam.

"Mother she will try to run away." The women frowns. "Why does it matter so much to you if she leaves." This is it. The time where she will give me the oh your her look.

"Mother this is Randi." She looks me over with her hazel colored eyes. "Well she quite the looker isn't she. Put her down and we will go fetch ourself a cup of tea. Would you like that dear or maybe a shower would be good."

"Actually I wouldn't mind a shower and a cup of tea." I smile at the women and she smile back.

I stop. "Wait I thought you didn't have a mother." I look up at Adam. "She's my stepmother, but that doesn't really change anything. I still see her as my own mom."

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