The dream

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Chapter 4

The trickling of water as it hits an unknown surface and the quiet whisper of the wind. Taking a look around and see nothing but darkness stretch out in front of me.

My hand reaches out, but reaches nothing. My cream colored fingers move in front of me as inky black starts to circle them. Snatching my hand away my breath gets caught in my throat at the feeling around me.

Coldness seeps into every pore of my body, as I move, the darkness moving around me as if it is alive.

The loud sound of paws running behind me makes me flinch and turn around, but only to see nothing. My feet dangle under me as I float in absolutely nothing.

It is all black everything is black.

I am in a big globe of black inky walls and floors. My feet touch a floor like object, no color, only blackness.

I run and run, but I never seem to get anywhere. I hear screams, soft and quiet screams. Sobs of pain rattle though my ears as I try to escape the noise.

Pain explodes from my side and ripples down my spine in a fluid motion.

My stomach tightens in fear at the sudden discomfort.

With loud thuds I feel my arms become heavy and my head feels like a foggy mess as I feel around in the darkness for the light.

That never seems to shine.

I wake up in a pool of my sweat, breathing heavily. Loud gasps escape my partly open lips as I ball my fist in the fabric of the bedding.

Fear is the only thing on my mind as I shake, my head whipping from side to side, almost getting whiplash.

The dream was not something to understand but something to be scared of and peaceful all at the same time.

The clock by my bed shines bright red with the numbers 6:00 in the morning. The sun has not even peeked over the mass amount of brown mountains that seem like they stretch on forever.

I look around once more scared of what I will find upon the walls. All I see is the door and the small bedside table. I yawn and lay back down, a prisoner of my own dreams.

My sleep is only one of my many awaiting fears that sit in the back of my mind, like in those movies where the evil object or person sits on the side lines watching and waiting for the perfect time.

For most sleep is a way to escape the nightmares of the day but for me I relive my most horrid memories or at least the ones that I believe are memories.

Rubbing my eyes I feel the coolness from the tears that had streaked down my face as I lay frightened and isolated in my own mind.

I think about what I thought I had heard paws, sounded like big wolf paws or maybe a big dog.

I scoff "a big dog" am I joking right know. I am a wolf for crying out loud, I have a furry body and big paws but I can not have been me; why would I run from myself.

I do not remember being chased, but what do I actually remember. I let my eyes close and drift into a not so peaceful sleep.

The darkness greets me with a slap in the face and a boot to the stomach.

It wraps around me like before but this time there is no room to breath. My breath comes out in gasp as I raise my hands to my throat. I can almost feel the darkness smile in my ever lasting struggle.

It squeezes me around the waist as I shift under its grasp. Tears blue my vision as the pain shoots up my arms and around the back of my head.

Then I cry out.

I wake up with the sound of a small knock on my door. Looking over at the clock I sigh.

Who would be knocking at 8 in the morning. I remember the man that brought me my food said Adam would come to talk to me.

The slightest bit of sweat still drips down my face and slips its way into my hair.

The door opens and a fat looking man comes in. "Alpha Adam wants you in his office by 10:00, Steve will come at 9:45 to bring you there." And with that he walks out with a slight waddle and locks the door with a soft click.

I get up and realize I don't have any other cloths to change into other than this nightgown.. I look into the closet by the door and find a few dresses lined up by color hanging in the closet also a pair of brand new shoes waiting for me.

How nice his lady friends stay here.

I get a shower and put on the yellow looking dress on with sandals. I am really not a dress person, but that's all they have.

With a soft groan I side down on the bed. Wonder what questions I'll be asked next.

At exactly 9:45 there's a soft knock on the door telling me it's time.

The door opens and in steps a man with bright blue eyes and sandy blonde hair that is cut in a buzz cut. "Are you ready, I'm Steve the Beta. Let me take you to the Alpha's office." I stand up slowly and look him over.

He turns around and starts to walk down the hall with a slight waltz to his walk. I walk a little faster so I can keep up with him. He is very tall I feel small next to him and I'm 5'7.

We walk down a wide hallway and make a few turns. And that's when we stop in front of a massive door with large brass handles.

My mouth pops open.

Brown carving line the sides of the door. As I take in the master piece Steve gives me a side ways glance before looking away suddenly. His face completely emotionless as his eyes stay glued to the master piece. This is one hell of a door.


Sorry their so short :( not very good at this

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