Hunny you'v got a big storm coming

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Chapter 12

"There doesn't seem to be anything on the pack grounds that we could find but if it really bothers you we may check again."

Steve said to me in a posh British voice. His eyes following my every move.

I frown and walk over to him, "You did not find anything. Not even a little blood." I pace around in a little circle.

That does not make sense, how can so many bodies just magically disappear.

It is not possible. I say it with my own eyes I glanced upon so many decayed corpses.

Steve stands to the side looking kind of uncomfortable. "Steve thank you for your time, you may leave know." I say in a tight voice.

Playing around with my finger nails I stroll down the hall to Adams office. Even if he dismissed me before, I do not listen to any Alpha. There all full of bullshit.

When I push open the large wooden doors all I see is Adam sitting at his desk with a satisfied grin an his face, "Are you done with you childish tantrum or do I have to put in in timeout."

God this guy is a dick. I smile sweetly that seems to through him off his game, "Oh, I'm so sorry to I make you angry. The big bad alpha angry, my bad."

His frowns is so deep he starts to get wrinkles around his mouth. "If you keep frowning like that the wrinkles are going to stay where they are." He does not seem so pleased by my comment.

He watches me walk around the room for a little bit as I run my fingers along the spines of the books.

I turn to him and a smile graces my lips as I stare into his eyes.

"What the fuck do you want." I mad the baby angry, "Watch your language. Im going for a run." He fans his hand at the door, rude.

I turn around and place my hand on the door when Adam speaks up, "Do not go around telling your bullshit story to the pack. Okay" I turn my head to look at him but he hasn't even lifted his head up from his papers. "Yes sure whatever"

I stop my self and look him straight in the eyes. "Of course." I say sweetly as venom leaks from ever word.

Shutting the door behind me I hear the whispering of the maids down stairs.

"Did you hear what that girl has been saying...."

"You mean about the woods.."

"Do you think it is true"

Scoffs, "Mary do not be so dumb."

"Yes.. She is probably just crazy."

"The guards said they did not find anything"

"She is definitely crazy!"

Wow even the maids think I'm on crack. Well I'll just have to figure it out myself.

I do not need them. Walking down the stairs I see the maids who where taking about me.

I smile at the, "So do you guys want to talk about how I am crazy or should I just listen from upstairs." There faces go pale and terror fills their features as they sprint around me in a rush.

I huff, God I hate people.

Opening the screen door I walk into the forest to find my evidence.

Walking through the woods for about ten minutes I still can not seem to find a single thing that helps me. The bodies could not have just got up and walked away it is not possible.

Not understanding what happened I drop to the floor and place my hands into the shallow stream.

Moving my hands in the water I see a glint of something. Shifting my body so I can look directly into the rushing water I see the tip of a shiny object resting at the bottom of the stream.

I plunge my hand deeper into the water and reach the silver tip. My hand touches the hard surface but can not seem to grasp it in my hand.

Feeling a little annoyed that I can not reach it I plunge myself into the freezing cold water.

Feeling the ice cold water touch my body I freak for a second before regaining my strength and diving for the object deep under the water.

Grasping the tip of whatever this thing is I yank it free with both of my hands and push off the bottom to get back to the shore.

When I climb out of the water I look at the thing in my hand. I turn is over a few times before realizing what I'm holding in my hand.

The rust on it tells me its been there for quite some time but it is still the object I think it is. I bring it to my nose to see if it still has a sent on it.

Sadly because it has been in the water the smell has wore off. With is dark handle and dull blade. It's a knife, but it's not just any knife it's a butchers knife.

Holding the knife tightly in my left hand I start to walk back to the pack house to tell

Adam what I have found. He has got to believe me know if not I will keep looking until everyone know the truth.

I will always keep looking. Those bodies I say where not just my mind playing tricks. Someone somewhere thinks there so smart well hunny you've got a big storm coming.


Sorry it's been so long but here it is.

Also tell me if you like it

It's kind of short but better then nothing.

Thank you Jayatjeeee for voting really appreciate it

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