Burn baby burn

229 22 2

Chapter 22

Noah and I ran through the thick dark green forest and submerged into a large clearing with long blades of grass shooting out of the soft dirt.

Thats when I saw it, a massive building was being eaten away at by a large blazing red hot fire that covered half the place. "Shit! We need to see if there's anyone inside."

We start to run toward the massive house as something catches my eye from across the field.

Laying to the side of the house are dozens partly burned bodies I touch Noah's arm to show him what I have found and he silently gags at the massive amount of bloody disfigured corpses.

I shake my head and pull him toward the burning house. Kicking my boot into the wooden front door it slams into the wall behind as I walk into the smokey room.

Covering my nose Noah and I pull out our knife and walk down the hall in complete silence fills the house other then the soft popping noise from the fire.

I hear slow breathing coming from one of the wall in the small hall. I press my ear to the the wood and listen to any sigh of human or should I say wolf life.m

I hear the faint sound I steady breathing again. "There's something or someone behind this wall."

I gently glide my finger tips along the wall and feel a small indentation in the wall paper. "Found it!" I almost yell at Noah. "I would step aside." He looks at me for a moment before deciding to do as I told him.

I step back from the wall and forcefully kick the wood with all my might. A loud thud is heard with a bunch of scared screams.

Stepping through the opening I see dozens of women and children all huddled in a corner. There big eyes all staring back at me.

"Who are you?" One of them says in a frightened voice. I step forward and look around. "I here to help but we need to go know!"

I wave my hand at the door. "How can we trust you. You could be one of them." I let out a loud sigh. The building is burning to the ground and you ask me if we should trust you.

"How can we trust you." Her voice carries through the room.

I only have a simple reply. "Your just going to have to try." I shrug my shoulders and she glares daggers towards me.

"I'm not here to kill you but if you don't move the fire will defiantly kill all of you before I could even lay a hand in you. Know lets go people." I go to place my hand on a women in front of the huddle but she screams and moves away from my out stretched hand.

I look over all the frightened face. "Please just trust me!" I almost beg. Noah comes out from behind me and says, "We promise we won't bring any harm to your loved ones." Of course he has to be all proper at a time like this.

An old lady steps out from the crowd and looks me over before commenting, "I think we should trust her." I let out a sigh of relief.

They all start to move toward the door in a large huddle. As they exit the hole in the wall I think about something that I need for this house.

I turn to Noah, "Lead everyone outside I'll be back in a minute." He pauses. "Where we you going." I groan and look at him as the smoke get thicker. "It doesn't matter just get everyone out."

He does not argue with me this time he just starts shouting commands at the people leaving the building.

I rush up the steps to the second floor and push open the office door with my boot.

Everything is where I remember it being from the last time I was here just about 3 years ago.

I rush over to the desk and open all the drawers until I found what I was looking for. I look at the picture before slowly placing it in my pocket.

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