Meet you there!

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Chapter 14

Silently creeping down the stairway I make contact with the floor ands rest my hand on the cold walls of the underground tunnel.

Trying to focus my eyes to see in the pitch black I walk forward with a slow pace.

Sniffing the air and scrunching up my nose from the moldy smell I follow the passage way to a corner and keep walking.

Looking into small rooms carved into the sides of the tunnel walls I start to get a eerie feeling in the pit of my stomach that someone is watching me.

Tilting my head up to sniff the stale air I can not smell anything out of the ordinary.

Well nothing's really ordinary when I'm walking through a dark and damp tunnel in the middle of the woods.

"Hey what did you do to day. Oh you know just walked through a tunnel that I did not know where it went but I mean Yolo. Someone may kill me but hey who would care." I silently say to myself in a kind of cursing my self manner.

Coming to room that spells very strange I step inside and walk over to the wall at the other side of the cell. Running my fingers over the walls I freeze.

With a large clank the metal door of the room swings closed. I scream and rush over to the exit only to find out it has been locked from the outside.

Cursing myself for walking into a trap I start to violently bang my fist on the metal bars of the firm door.

Hearing a cough from the wall behind the door I stop my banging to see a face half covered in darkness, "I see you found my underground, how should I say it, dungeon."

The man in the darkness smiles, a sickly looking smile that shows his slightly crooked middle tooth.

The light hitting the bottom of his face perfectly.

I frown, "Who are you." With anger laced into my every word, that only makes him laugh, "It does not matter who I am dear child, but it does matter who you are."

I take a sudden step back, "Why does it matter who I am. You do not even know me." I almost squeak out as I slowly place my clamp hands on the wall of the cell .

"Oh honey I know everything about you. I know more about you then you know about yourself." I stand there in shock not understand what he is saying, "How could you know more about me then I know about myself." I stare at him with a confused look present of my face.

"I know that your name is Randi it means wolf shield, origin is English. I did loads of research, you being a white wolf and all I needed to know he details. You grew up in a pack called the Blood Moon pack and your father was dated missing on October 31, 2000. You where born on the 24 of December in a small medical room in your pack house."

He sighs "Funny how it was Christmas and your wolf turns out the color of snow. Funny world we live in."

I hiss out. "Yes... Funny."

He chuckles and I hear him intake a large breath of air. "Your mothers name was Lauren grace Wright she went missing two and a half months after you where born but I think she ran away." He stops and turns to me but I can still only see the bottom half of his face.

"Would you like me to continue." I do not move from where I've been standing for the last 10 minutes with my mouth wide open. Speaking is also out of the option because I can not trust my own voice.

He shrugs and continues. "Your full name is Randi Annabelle Light, the meaning of Annabelle is lovable." He lets out a soft chuckle.

He looks me over before talking again. "You have been taken care of by your dads friend named Eric Rogers. I went to see him. Took a little visit and talked to him . Did you know he wanted you dead, that is why you where in the forest that night."

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