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Chapter 9

"How did you do that?" The girl on the ground looks shocked and I reply with, " I'm a white wolf remember."

Everything goes black.


I'm awaken by the sound of soft beeps and the soft sound of crappy material sheets being moved around.

I take a look around and notice I'm in the same boring room form the first day.

It still smells like death and rubbing alcohol.

Gross...... I stand up to test my legs..... And wow! Do I feel pain right know.

Im wearing those ugly hospital gowns..... Wait who dressed me. Doesn't matter right know. I sign and sit down at the end of the bed and place my hands behind myself.

What even happened. I rub my eyes with my freezing cold hands. Is there no heater in here.

It feels like I'm in a meat freezer with a bunch of dead pigs. I mean you could describe some of the people I have met recently pigs.

I toss my sandy blonde hair over my shoulder and stand up and take a big stretch pulling my hands over my head.

I open the cream colored door and step outside and face two massive men. They turn around at the same time and give me a hard look.

One of the giants says, "I see your awake." In a low grumpy voice. Just as he finishes his sentence Adam comes strolling down the long hallway.

"I see your okay, go get change and meet me outside." He gives me one of his big beautiful smile and whisper in my ear, " I'm glad your okay." When he pulls away he turns around with a swift motion and heads town the hall.

Wow, was weird.

Doesn't matter to me

I think it does

I turn around just to realize that there is no back to this gown and there are two large men staring at my ass.

I say in a calm voice, "Hey my face is up here you dicks!" I point up to my face with my finger.

The step back a bit with red cheeks and say, "Sorry Miss will not happen again"

"You should be." I laugh to my self, what pervs.

I close the back with my hands.

They lead me town the hall to a very large staircase that leads into the pack house. After the short walk back to my room with me holding the back go my gown closed. I enter the guest room they have cleaned for me and hop into the shower. I wonder how long I can keep my secret?


After my warm and relaxing shower, I get dressed into jeans and a white shirt that were hanging in my or should I say the Alphas closet.

I open the door with a quite click, guess they trust me now and walk down the stairs to go outside and talk to Adam.

When I open the sliding glass door that leads into the back of the house, Adam is standing by a tree look at a small black leather bond book.

I walk up to him a say, " Hey, what are you looking at?" Adam head moves up and he looks at me with those beautiful brown eyes that just take my breath away and says, "The history of wolves... Weird really." He pauses and takes a breath.

He looks down at the book, "In all the books I've looked through, not one of them tells me that a white wolf can have powers like.... healing." He looks at me with a stern face, " all these books tells me that white wolves can only have super speed, strength, and the best noses in the whole wolf world. But you can heal. ..... How can that be... Uh."

I take a shaky breath and think shit.... "I told you I'm special." I shrug my shoulders.

Adam walk really close to me and whispers, " My mother was white wolf and could never do such things." His nose scrunches and he look down at the ground.

His mother was like me. " What! Where is she?" Adam looks over at the mountains, "She was taken my men that wanted to destroy all white wolf. Haven't seen her since." I take a step back because Adam was very close to me and I didn't like it.

I turn my head over to look over at the mountains like Adam had done and take a breath of the crisp air.

"You live in a very beautiful place." I try to change the subject, it was getting a little to quite for my liking.

Adam turn his head to me, "It is very nice here." I say as I feel his stare on the side of my face.

" Stop trying to change the subject. Here read through this." Adam passes me the small leather bond book and I open it up.

Chapter 1 - History of wolves

Chapter 2 - Wolves and their secrets talents

Chapter 3 - How wolves came to be

.... It went on and on until one of the chapters caught my eye.

Chapter 15 - white wolfs

I turn to the page and and started to read the bold print tipped across the thick yellowish pages.

White wolves are very rare in the wolf and human world. Their beautiful white coats shine like the moon and sparkle like the stars. This amazing and rare creature has magical power like super speed and incredible senses. These wolves have an amazing and brilliant white coat to go along with there powers.

Teeth sharper then diamond razor blades and bright blue ocean like eyes. They can take a whole army of trained wolves with one slice of their spear like claws. If you come across one of these wonderful but deadly beast you defiantly want to be on their good side.

Sadly most white wolves have been hunted until extinction because of the powers they hold deep inside them. One white wolf alone can destroy a whole village if they would like too. This is why many other normal wolves have hunted them down so another pack can not have an advantage.

They say that wolves with powers shouldn't breath the same air or even walk on the same planet. Most of the beautifully rare wolves are kind and loving. That's not the case with all, if a white wolf ever kills and destroys for their own gain consequences will be stowed upon them.

I look up, "So. What is this supposed to mean to me?" Adam looks up, " Hunted to extinction.... There aren't suppose to be any more white wolves, but here you are. Alive and heathy" I look over the small paragraph to find the line he's talking about.

Hunted until extinction....

Found what I was looking for. "That's why they said I was special .....I'm the last white wolf......... Alive.


The picture above is what I would think her hair looks like.

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