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If you are not comfortable with curse words I would not read this chapter. Thank you -W

Chapter 25

Walking through the forest the cold winter wind biting at my exposed skin as I made my journey back to Noah. Trees twist and where sprawled out over the dirt path that I used to know so well.

It seems that nobody is taking a hike around here anymore.

The leaves and fallen tree braces crunch under my heavy boot as I hold my knife close to my side. Blood slowly drips down my arms and down my face in thin strands of red liquid.

I must smell absolutely horrible because I have not taken a shower since being at Temples house and also I'm covered in a thick layer of some other people's blood. Really quite lovely.

Makes me want to cuddle and plan pretty little parties in a pink dress with flying unicorns on it.

Brushing my hair over my shoulder I duck under a fallen tree branch and walk out into the open. Adam stands with his back to me with a bunch of crying and screaming people in front of him.

One women looks at me and screams a bloodcurdling scream that could be heard from space.

She points her finger at me then crashes to the ground in a pile of tears and useless screaming.

Adam turns around ready to kill who ever the women screamed at when he realizes it just me. His mouth hangs open as he just stares at my bloody clothing.

"There's that crazy freak from the kitchen." The blue eyed girl from the kitchen screeches out in pure fear. She grabs onto Adams arm and I let out a low growl and she springs back.

"Evening Everyone." I smile and waltz towards them in a cool and collected manner.

The women on the ground pushes her self away from my advancing figure. Her face morphs into a expression of terror as she soaks in my appearance.

"What the hell." I look over at Adam and who looks quite pissed but upset all at the same time.

"What." I shrug my shoulders as a wet strand of blood travels down the side of my cheek and down my neck.

"You should leave. Your disgusting." The young blue eyed girl yells at me from behind her perishes Alphas back.

"I saved your ass little thing. So be nice girly." I smile but my canines slowly push out from my gums and I hiss at her.

She screams and starts yelling all sorts of abuse towards me as the other women yell and scream too.

The makeup on their pretty little faces running.

"QUITE!" Adam barks out at the six screaming women. They all shut up and huddle into a circle.

"Cute always listen. Kind of like dogs." I chuckle and flip the knife in my hand.

Watching it reflect the light from the sun.

"Fuck you!" One of the skinny slutty looking wolves howls as her red pointed nails wrap around one of the girls wrists.

I turn to them and flip them off and the slutty bitch comes out of the huddle.

"I will rip you to shreds you blond haired killer. You don't deserve to live." She cries out and wavies her hands everywhere to add a little more of a wow factor.

"I did not get covered in blood from chipping a finger nail." I raise my eyebrow mad she runs towards me. Adam stops her and she screams all kind of crude words out me.

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