Let's begin..........

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Chapter 29

The sounds of all the many wolves stops at the simple little phrase that escaped my fathers lips. It was as if no one knew what to say or do.

He still smiles at me from the little distance between us.

His slight yellow teeth show from under his thin pale lips that rest on his white skin.

The stillness of the world around me sent an eerie chill down my spine as the wind picks up pushing my hair over my shoulders and across my face.

"I will never be like you." I growl and take a step closer to his large figure that seems to still hold power and the look that made you know this man thought highly of himself.

A sigh leaves his mouth as he slowly rolls his deep blue eyes with a look of slight annoyance towards my hostile comment.

"I personally think your more like me that you think." Venom drips off every word as it reaches my ears and make me feel cold inside of my own skin.

He smiles as he can see my cover cracking, "Your so much like me. You kill men for no reason. You got your pretty little nick name for a reason cupcake."

It was all true I did get the name Bloody Master for a reason because I'm just as sick and disgusting as the man before me.

He smiles and notices the change in my stance because yes he is right about me.

"Your just as sick and twisted as your old man. Taking lives and throwing them away like garbage." He says in a soothing tone as if our conversation is not making him feel anything. As if he's talking to child.

He smiles and comes towards me and places his cold hand on my cheek. I hear Adam let out a low and angry growl from behind me but I take no notice in his presence.

"We might be very alike but I would never leave my love ones without a reason." I slap his cold hand away from my cheek and hear a small hiss escape his lips before his eyes snap up to look into mine.

He chuckles a low laugh that make my stomach turn. "I left you and got rid of your pathetic mother for a reason. Too weak to care for yourself. It was the only option."

My face goes as white as a sheet. "What did you do to my mother." I growl with my claws fully extended.

He glanced at me for a second with a look of sickness on his face. "I don't know really I just kind of told her to get out."

The way he is standing tells me his little speech was a lie. "Your lying."

He smiles and runs his fingers through his hair. "Am I...."

His amused laughs fill the space around me and chokes me with the pure sound of joy.

"I might be lying." He smiles. "She's closer then you think cupcake."

A low growl rips its way out of my chest and vibrates through the air.

His face morphs into a look of fear before quickly covered with a wide grin. "Hope your bite is bigger then your bark because that was just sad."

He says to me in a sad way to cover his fear.

I grin and flip my hair over my shoulder. "Funny coming from the man who just turned almost as white as a piece of printer paper."

He frowns and grumbles something under his breath that sounds a lot like the word bitch. "I'm sorry can you repeat that, I can't seem to hear you over the fast beating of your heart." I say sweetly.

He frowns again and exposes his sharp teeth poking out from his gum. "Cute... But I can do better."

My long sharp like needle teeth extent out of my soft gums and my ears slightly point at the end.

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