A story to remember

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Chapter 21

My boots crunching over dried leaves as Noah and I walk into a grassy clearing. I glanced up and see that the sun is directly over head and the sky is a pale blue color.

As we venture father into the open space of newly grown grass I hear the slight crackle of someone stepping on a pile of dry leaves.

I grab Noah and pull him behind a nearby tree. "What are you..?"

I cover his mouth with my hand and watch the open clearing. All of a sudden a few rogues break through the bushes and stroll onto the grass with such confidence that it makes me feel sick.

"See if we would have kept walking they would have seen us." I quietly whisper to Noah.

He nods his head showing that he understands.

We start to walk back into the forest when Noah has to step on a stick. I glare at Noah and start to curse at him when I hear the sound of someone approaching the tree where concealing our selfs behind.

Jumping out from behind the large oak tree I point my dagger at the man on the other side of the tree.

Feeling the smooth leather of the handle under my finger tips as the man stops and looks at me with an amused look an his cocky face.

"Do you know how to use that little missy?" He grins like his got me all figured out.

"Would you like to find out!" He looks started by my question but usher the other men to come over. "I really don't like to hit girls." I smile. "I don't either." His face scrunches up in rage.

"Ok lets see what you got smartass. I would just love to see your face down in the dirt right know with a knife sticking out of your back"

I smile. "How sweet." I grin lifts its way onto my face. One of my sickly sweet fake smiles.

The man on the right approaches me with a look thats reminds me of a confused animal.

I scoff and then let out a cold laugh. "This is all you got!" He glares at me as the man lungs towards me.

He try's to punch me but I just glide out of the way with ease as my fist connects with his side with one fluid motion

. I shake my head at him. "Sloppy." He lets out a loud groan of pain before turning around with a another sloppy punch that leaves his face wide open.

I aim for his face and my dagger finds its target and comes in contact with his cheek and the edge of his partly opened mouth.

He howls in pain and covers his bleeding face with his massive hands. The bone on his cheek peaks out from under the bloody wound on his ugly face.

Blood seps out of the cracks between his fingers and slides down his big tan hand as it drips down his neck and collects onto his shirt.

He lungs at me for the last time with a loud growl escaping his lips and I growl back but louder.

This time he leaves his throat wide open and I go for the kill shot. I stab him right through his throat and watch the life drain out of his bright blue eyes.

Quite gargling noises escape his throat as his body slumps to the ground as fresh blood pours out of his brand new wound.

I glance up to see the once cocky man running away in pure terror with his side dog sprinting right behind him. He was calling me the weak one when his running away like a scared teenager.

I let at a loud laugh as they disappear into the trees. Fools!

I get on my knees and start going through the dead mans leather coat. Noah comes out from behind the tall oak tree and looks at me with a confused face, "What are you doing?" I sigh and look up at him.

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