💧Tree Bros - Grilled Cheese

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"It's such a nice day" Evan says to me, "Do you want some nice grilled food?"
"Evan, that will make us hotter"
"But you're already hot" I whisper
"Nothing... Nothing haha"
"Grilled cheese is ready!" Mrs.Hansen yells from the porch
"Well I guess that's decided for us!" I yell
We run inside to grab our grilled cheese's, and come back outside
"These are delicious!" I exclaim
"Well, yeah she has a recip-"
I drop my sandwich into the small creek
"No! That was great!"
"You can have my other half, here" He says and hands me the other half
"Thank you, Love you bro" I say tenderly attempting to act like bros despite the massive crush I have on him
"Love you too!" He says, kisses me and walks away

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