💧Tree Bros - We start with stars in our eyes

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We lay on the ground, and I just look at Evans shining blue and green eyes, while he gazes up at the sky.

"All I see is sky for forever, miles and miles of endless sky drape over us like an endless abyss." He says dreamily to me

"For once the stars are out. Y'know, I've tried to join them before..." I say and get suddenly depressed and get a flashback.


I am sitting on my bed. I open the letter Evan wrote about my sister. I don't know him that well, but this letter voices all that I think about this world. I fold it up and put it into my pocket. That's when I opened the pill bottle and swallowed all of the melatonin I've skipped for days. That was when I layed down and hoped I'd leave this earth.

But I woke up, in the hospital, with Zoe and my mother by my side, asking if I wanted Evan to come in. I said yes, and he walked in, in all the glory. My parents left, and we connected. He was my first friend here at this school.

After about a month, he told me about his suicide attempt. Around a month before mine, he jumped off a tree and hoped the same thing: to never see the light of day after that one. His life had hit a terrible spot, just like mine. But we healed together. He would talk to me late night, making sure I wasn't doing anything, and I'd do the same for him.

A month after, I realized I liked him. He was over when I had a particularly terrible day, and went out on a limb and kissed me, that was when we started dating.

[End flashback]

That has built up to now, two months later. My depression is still there, and so is his anxiety along with it. These will always be here. But as long as he's by my side, I will appreciate him for what he is.

"We both did, but not tonight" He says back, and cuddles me.

"I'm sorry... This is my 1 month clean anniversary. I'm a wreck today." I embrace him, appreciating every inch of him. We kiss, and continue looking out at the sky for forever.

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