⌨️ Boyf riends - Text Me (Jeremys POV)

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A/N: The previous story, but a different POV! Skip if you don't want a repeat.

I'm bored in my room, so I decide to call Michael

"Hey dude!" I yell into the phone joyfully

"Sup..." Michael says groggily

"You sound so tired" I say, since he is so unenthusiastic

"I just woke up" He turns the camera to his face, he look extremely tired, but he still looks really cute. I could live with waking up to that daily.

"Wanna text? You probably should fix that hair" I say with a chuckle. He is always so playfully annoyed when I make jokes about his hair

"Sure. I just realized something and I'd love to text you about it"

"Bye, love you!"

"Love you too, text you, bye!"

I really want to know what he realized. He probably has fallen for some hot guyand wants advice. I text him so he might tell me

Player One 💙: Sup dude, what'd you wanna tell me?

He pauses to even read my texts. He usually reads them instantly, so I send another text.

Player One 💙: You always reply so quickly. Did I do something?

I notice that he starts typing, but he takes awhile to type a simple

Player Two ❤️: Jeremy uh,,,

Player Two ❤️: I gotta tell you something

I really want to know what he wants to tell me, but I want wanna push it.

Player One 💙: What's up man?

Player One 💙: U ok??

I'm blushing so much, he is amazing. Like I can't make him think I'm weird.

Player Two ❤️: ya but like,,

Player Two ❤️: um,,,

Player Two ❤️: dude we're best buds no matter what happens right?

I wish we were more than best buds no matter what... maybe best boyfriends? I shouldn't reply as if I don't like him though...

Player One 💙: yeah of course, Michael what's going on???

He is typing again, but the messages are short but he typed forever

Player Two ❤️: dude um...

Player Two ❤️: idk how to say this,,

Player Two ❤️: Jer, I

Player Two ❤️: Im like,, SO gay

So gay? Well I guess I knew that, I thought he'd found a boy better than me. He deserved it after what I've done to him.

Player One 💙: i know that Michael???

I don't know why he said that. Maybe he's high and wanted to remind me

Player Two ❤️: no, I mean, I'm gay for YOU.

I blush so much at my phone. I can't even think of anything to text him other than a simple

Player One 💙: OH.

I don't want to continue typing, so I simply ask to come over

Player One 💙: I'm coming over right now. Stay in the basement near our beanbags.

I start walking to his house. Luckily it's close to my house so I just unlatch the window and slide in.

"Sup dude!" I sprint to the beanbag next to his.

"Hey..." He is visibly blushing. I don't blame him. He's making me blush too

"Hey..." I get a bit closer "I like you too..."

"Really..." He moves a bit closer to me

"Yeah, really."

"Do you know how long I've like you for?"

"How long?" I feel myself blushing even more, which I didn't know was even possible

"Longer than you could ever imagine." He leans forward and kisses me, so I kiss back, and we end up kissing as the flame in our hearts for eachother starts raging inside.

BMC & DEH oneshot story - Dear Michael MurphyWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt