💧Tree Bros - Notes in my Book (Part 1)

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Connors POV:

First day of grade 7! Another terrible year, starting with another terrible day. I push my hair out of my face, and start getting ready for the day, throwing my black jacket, jeans, combat boots, and bag on and racing out the door to the bus stop. I see another kid in a blue striped shirt looking around nervously and fidgeting with his hands. I decide not to say anything, and silently sit down near him, which he reacts to by fidgeting even more. I remember seeing him in the halls, an outcast just like me, but the difference was people thought I was crazy, but people simply think he doesn't matter. Maybe he actually is a good person like me, but misunderstood.
"Hey, I'm Connor Murphy, who are you?" I ask him and he nervously looks up
"I-I am uh.. E-Evan Hansen?" He looks down again.
"You good bro? We should highkey chill, we could both pretend we have a friend for a day"
"P-pretend? I h-have friends? What's your damage? You always seem so angry at the world." He replies
"You won't know my damage unless you become my friend," I remember how my parents are always fighting, and they always favor Zoe over me due to her talents I never had, "Who on earth is your friend?"
"Uhh..." He thinks for awhile until I inturrupt
"Nobody, I saw you here alone and I remember last year your huge fight with Jared. He's so annoying, and you let him get under your skin and make you cry like a baby."
"It was complicated"
"I overheard him talking to his friend and apparently he had a pathetic crush on you, nobody could ever like that kid."

Evans POV:

Well actually I had a crush on Jared. Hearing this, I'm shocked, but I remember that when we broke up, which is what he is referring to, nobody even was there since it was after school, and nobody even knew we were dating. It wouldn't work out because he couldn't deal with all of the stuff that's wrong with me.
"Uh, apparently he was dating some random kid named Jason, until he moved away. He was single after." I nervously say, Connor is very intimidating but he always has been that way.
"Well want to sit at lunch with me? I usually have nobody to sit with and so do you"
I think for a bit, wondering if I'll fall for him. I can't stop looking at his hair even though I can tell through his tough exterior he is damaged, "Sure! Far left corner in the new café?"
"Yeah, my sister who went to school early for Jazz Band might come over but she's okay. Zoe? You might know her."
I think, and I do know her. She was cute when I saw her in art. I had a small crush on her but I shouldn't tell him that. It was so minor, and we would never have a chance. Anyways, what if I fall for long, luscious haired, beauti- I push the thought of that.
"Yeah! We had art last year, we worked on a project together!"
"Shes okay I guess," he looks off, "Oh! I gotta get to first period since the bus is late! Cya!" He grabs his bag and sprints off the bus to the accelerated hall.

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