💧Tree Bros - Dominos

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Evans POV:
Connor decided to invite me out to pizza, so here I am, waiting outside on my porch for him to come pick me up.

Connor‼️: Hey, I'm about to pull up
Evan‼️: Okay, I'm outside!
I see him pull up to my driveway and come out to hug me.
"Hey Evan! I've missed you so much over the week I've been away!"
"I've missed you so much too!" I bury my head into his hair, which smells absolutely amazing.
"Lets go!" He takes his soft hand into mine and runs toward the car. I'm trying not to blush, because he doesn't like me and I can't ruin our friendship for my bisexual ass crush. We helped eachother through our illnesses, and got better together, which I can't ever forget.
"Evan?" He asks as I zone out, "Earth to Evan!"
"Oh hey haha I'm just hungry" I say
"Then let's go!" He starts the engine and zooms off.
He goes faster and faster until we end up at Dominos.
"Good afternoon, may I have half pepperoni half sausage pizza?" He says, remembering that my favorite topping is pepperoni without asking.
"Sure, $5.79" the employee says, and he swipes his card, "It will be ready in 20 minutes"
So we go to sit and wait, "Do you know where the bathroom is? I need to go" I say.
"Yeah, follow me I need to fix my hair anyways,"
He starts to walk until we get to the bathroom.

Connors POV:
I lead Evan to the bathroom, and we both walk in, and I go to the mirror to fix my hair while he pees. His face when he does is so cute, and I don't even think I should look farther than that. He walks next to me to wash his hands.
"Your hair is fine, you don't need to fix it" he looks up at me with those soft brown eyes and moves a strand of my hair.
I pin him up against a wall and kiss him. I don't know what came over me, but we both are blushing messes, "What was that..." He says, blushing wildly.

Evans POV:
"You just looked s-" I cut him off by kissing him I run my fingers through his hair as he shoves me against the wall and grabs at the back of my shirt with his other hand on the wall to steady him. As I continue running my fingers through his hair and he cradles my head with one hand and my back with the other, it turns into a full blown make out session. I stop for oxygen.
"That was... Amazing!" He says. I'm still blushing alot, and he is too. Our heartbeats as one, as we fix ourselves up to grab the pizza.
"Let's grab our pizza and just discuss what happened." I say and walk out hand in hand with him.
"Pepperoni and sausage pizza!" The employee announces and puts our pizza on the table.
"So... Connor... What what was that? What are we?"
"I don't even know. I liked that. Did you?"
"Yeah..." I didn't want to admit it, but I want to date him. Have him in my life for forever.
"I wanna do that again and again..." He blushes.
"Canweliketrytodate?" I start to blush also, not knowing how he'll respond
"Okay... If it doesn't work out we can go back to being besties and act like nothing ever happened?" He grabs my free hand that isn't eating pizza, "Deal?"

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