⌨️ Boyf riends - Text me (Michaels POV)

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A/N: based off an art by @'cynicalsymphonies on tumblr

I'm listening to napping in my room when I get a Skype call from "Player One 💕" so I pick it up.
"Hey dude!" Jeremy yells into the phone joyfully
"Sup..." I say groggily
"You sound so tired" He says, disappointed.
"I just woke up" I turn the camera towards my face, revealing my messy hair and tired eyes.
"Wanna text? You probably should fix that hair" He says with a chuckle. Gosh he's so cute!
"Sure. I just realized something and I'd love to text you about it"
"Bye, love you!"
"Love you too, text you, bye!"
So I stand up to fix my hair, when my phone goes off
Player One 💙: Sup dude, what'd you wanna tell me?
I remember what I wanted to tell him, and get nervous not knowing how this may change our friendship.
Player One 💙: You always reply so quickly. Did I do something?
I pick up the phone and shakily type.
Player Two ❤️: Jeremy uh,,,
Player Two ❤️: I gotta tell you something
I am shaking from nervousness. Jeremy Heere, has seen me through the good, the bad, and the dirty. I notice an alert on my phone.
Player One 💙: What's up man?
Player One 💙: U ok??
I'm blushing so much, he is amazing. Like I can't make him think I'm weird.
Player Two ❤️: ya but like,,
I'm trying not to think too hard about it
Player Two ❤️: um,,,
Player Two ❤️: dude we're best buds no matter what happens right?
I'm pacing the room, waiting for him to respond. Another bubble flashes across the screen.
Player One 💙: yeah of course, Michael what's going on???
I'm trying to calm down, I've never been this anxious in my life. I can barely form words by this point.
Player Two ❤️: dude um...
Player Two ❤️: idk how to say this,,
Player Two ❤️: Jer, I
Player Two ❤️: Im like,, SO gay
My heart beats faster. I didn't even phrase it correctly. I hope his response is good, I see him typing. Every second feels like an hour. The wait is crushing me.
Player One 💙: i know that Michael???
He didn't even understand what I meant. I'm pacing back and forth in my room, stressing about the next text. I send it.
Player Two ❤️: no, I mean, I'm gay for YOU.
I immediately regret sending this, but I can't turn back now...
Player One 💙: OH.
I wait for his next typed thing
Player One 💙: I'm coming over right now. Stay in the basement near our beanbags.
So I wait even more. I'm so nervous as to what he'll do... I love him but when he gets mad he gets MAD
I hear a latch on the window unlock
"Sup dude!" Jeremy says and runs to the beanbag next to mine.
"Hey..." I start blushing wildly
"Hey..." He is blushing, "I like you too."
"Really..." I slide closer
"Yeah, really."
"Do you know how long I've like you for?"
"How long?" He becomes a deeper red
"Longer than you could ever imagine." I lean forward and kiss him, and he kisses back. What a blissful state we are in.

BMC & DEH oneshot story - Dear Michael MurphyWhere stories live. Discover now