⌨️ Boyf riends - Test drive

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Jeremy's coming over to my house today! What for? We're going to do the normal games in the basement with popcorn. I'm setting up the table when I see Jeremy come through the window.

"Hey Michael!" He hugs me and then eats the first basket of popcorn I put out for him (I give him two because that's the only thing he eats, and sometimes I steal some from him) and watches as I finish setting up. We sit down on the bean bag chairs and Jeremy grabs his controller.

"Which game? I say apocalypse of the damned!"

"Sure!" I push the button on the console and insert the game. The console starts updating, which always takes hours.

"What do you want to do now?" I look over at him and he is laughing a bit.

"I don't know. I wonder if that one I'd kinda be into is into me... I don't think so"

I wonder who the person could be. I'm sure he probably doesn't like me. Who would possibly like their best friend of 12 years? Certainly not Jeremiah Heere.

"Who are they?"

"Uh.. I don't wanna say who, I mean they definitely don't like me in that way and I don't want to ruin what we already have." I see him look down and his expression change a bit then go back to normal when I lean on him.

"Who? That's not an answer" I lean over and feel him tense up a bit, "Wait let's go to the car do you smell that? It smells I think the console is heating up alot and burning a bit." I actually want to see why he would look down and make that expression.

"Uh... Not right now I don't smell it too much?" He grabs a blanket and covers us with it, "Don't worry."

"Okay come on I'm serious I'm lightheaded your nose is probably blocked" I stand up and grab the side table as if I were dizzy.

"Fine" he stands up and grabs my shoulders as I get out the window and go to the car. I notice he has a boner but pretend not to notice. He sits with me in the backseat of the PT Cruiser as I turn on the car.

"By the way I just wanted to stretch but now we're staying in the car," I lock the doors and smile, "why didn't you wanna stand up?" I already know but I wanna see if he knew, "you seemed so against it."

"Uh... I don't know I'm just tired I guess."

"Sure?" I look again

"Fine you saw but that means nothing"

"You said that you don't want to ruin what you already have. What if I said it wouldn't" I debate if I want to just lean over and kiss him. I think he is talking about me especially after that whole thing.

"Yeah right." I lean over and kiss him, but he falls backwards as I wrap my arms around him and kiss more, as he kisses back (amazingly, his game has stepped up since that accidental kiss in grade 6).

"D-did you like that?" I pull back a bit

"YES!" He pushes me back in the small backseat, and we start to make out, his hands going everywhere and kissing without break, his hands all over my sweater and back, and my hands on his butt. I can still feel him slightly hard but it isn't bugging me. Eventually we stop and I whisper "Well that was bliss"

"Well... Yeah..."

"I'm glad we took each other for that test drive"

BMC & DEH oneshot story - Dear Michael MurphyKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat