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      IMPRISONED WITHIN THE horrid depths of the ancient prison of Pyreford for a long time. Locked to an immortal hell to rot and be just 'one' of the  captured villains in the story. This was how you create a Blood Queen; infuse her soul with hatred and menace, make her suffer enough so that her entire heart blackens to the core.

Once you get in,  you can never get out.

That's what the Grandwitches had said about Pyreford when she was a kid and still being tutored.

Most of the 'prisoners' who dwelled there existed before the creation of Land of Dawn. Before Earth was inhabited by humans. Creatures millenniums older, than her ; kept behind chained cells of ancient magic, for good.
They'd learned to understand the secrets of stone and embrace the darkness and so did she.

They were locked in separate bars but she always heard the daily wailings; the screams, roars that continued on and on and only stopped hearing it when  she finally escaped. The cells had diminished their powers but some found a way to whisper their names in foreign tongues and utter filthy words.

They'd thrown her to Pyreford-- the realm of the deadliest monsters, thinking the wickedness of the place would keep her contained, tamed and broken  eternally. But she still got out; not as the pretty, youngling Witch scorned and banished for using dark magic, but as the most powerful magic-bearer...

The prisoners had taught her many things, filled her thirst for knowledge and unwittingly honing her skills.

Some nights, she still dreamt of their dreadful faces and tasted their names upon her tongue like the unwanted flavour of rotten blood.


Those immortal pricks had no idea what kind of 'things' lurked in the ancient prison.

Alice would show them.

Don't let the monsters stay hidden under your bed, let them out and face them.

Grandwitch Grinta had told her from a time so long ago.

Maybe, they'd know the true meaning of nightmare by then.

Blade of Steel: Mobile Legends Fanfic ( 1ST EDITION HEROES)Where stories live. Discover now