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Steel bars, the colour of raging red encompassed her. She was lying upon a cold cement which suspiciously smelled of dried blood. Natalia’s head throbbed painfully with every move.

Where was she? What was this place?

But then, the memory of her last conscious moment hit her hard, Moscov seemed to be leading her to a portal which apparently was supposed to be secret.

A step closer to the portal.
A hella excruciating pain in the back of her head, then utter darkness.

Moscov, that foolish bastard.

Foolish enough to think she wouldn't see a simple thing like a portal. For Dawn’s sake, she was part demon, and anyone with Demon blood could see and enter demon-made portals. Her very own demon blood had given her the lethal Claw.

It was comical, thinking how desperate Queen Alice was, to possess the most valued, most protected possession she ever had.

She would die first , before anyone could take her Claw. And if she died, the Claw’s powers would diminish to empty magic too.

Alice was a mad, mad Queen who shouldn’t rule a massive kingdom like the Abyss--not excluding all her stuck up ‘minions’.

Resorting to kidnapping, capturing Karina, her friend, one of the most OP assassins in the Guild.

But she was here, her original goal was to arrive here, in this exact place. And this was the time to  draw the conclusion to her mission.

It had all started by a surprising visitor last month. His visit was truly mind-boggling, to hear his plans worded through his lips. He was probably the least immortal she expected to assign a mission as sketchy as this one.

Wait for the time to strike.

He’d said.

And she'd strike now.


Just then, Natalia earmarked light footsteps which seemed familiar. In front of her, stood the outline of Moscov’s body, the Spear of Quiscence firmly held  in his hand.

His eyes had the same ruthlessness and that distant, fierce look---- the very same expression which she probably wore everyday.

He stopped a few inches away from the bars, as if waiting for her to embarrass herself by making indignant outbursts and claw her way out.

Well, she had no time for human emotions.

"You still look as captivating as ever, Natalia. Even in captivity."

So he had enough of a brain to play with spears and words. Natalia thought.

"And you still look like a grotesque purple-skinned beast wielding a toy spear."

Moscov quirked his lips upward, showing a handful of fangs. Funny, she had hit a nerve.

He seemed more confident, his strength more visible, now that he was in his dreadful home; the Abyss.

All of it was evident as he replied;  "I may be a beast, but haven’t you noticed? You are the one inside the cage."



SAY YAY!!!!!!!!

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