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It was not on maps but sailors who sailed at that route has seen it far off, the water turns black and a thick fog covers the air at that particular region. A dangerous reef surrounded the Island many ships were known to have stranded in it and the people on those ship were never found. Once a group of college students boarded a boat and went out to sea , they partied for days,  one night all of a sudden the boat smashed into something ,soon it was capsized and everyone was thrown overboard. They all begun to swim towards the Island,a few died in the water as the reef was filled with dreaded sharks. Those that reached the Island was destined for even bigger miseries. At first they had each other they were assured they would be spotted soon. By the time they reached the Island the ship had sunk so they also lost all the useful amenities. They decided to explore the Island in order to  find materials to built a hut and collect rations, they did not venture deep into the jungle as they still were unsure of the surroundings. The first week they made the hut and set up a SOS signal. Some of them built a raft and went fishing the others watched from the shore. They got busy ,soon when they looked out to the ocean the raft was gone they were angry as they thought those on the raft has sailed away but the next day the raft washed up on shore partially smashed. The next two weeks , they still did not spot a ship or  a chopper. the place was practically dead and everyone had to live off root crops, so some decided to venture in  the Island further, others waited till nightfall but they still didn't return. Now a month has passed and still no one has rescued them.
Now every morning they always found someone missing they would find footprints on the sand ,one of them would always be bigger in size, this kept happening until only five of them were left. The survivors were really scared they decided to go into the forest. They walked for what seemed like miles finally they reached a cave. A trail of blood led into the cave,  they entered the cave. Walking further several routes appeared which went in different directions unintentionally they ended up going in varying directions , they now moved in alone in their trails. A girl in the surviving batch saw light emanating ahead of her, she ran towards it , she came across a hammock , someone has been staying in the cave all this time. Suddenly she feels some type of liquid drip on her shoulders and run down her arms , she looked at the ceiling, what she saw was horrific. It was lined with the bodies of her colleagues they were terribly mutilated to the extent that their intestines were visible. Screaming on the top of her lungs she ran out of the cave and arrived towards the shore. Trembling with fright she remembered the other survivors were still in there but she did not want to go in there again, not after what she saw ,nobody would. Whatever did that was probably not in the cave that's why she came out alive. She started to load one of the rafts they had made with root crops, she was determined to leave as soon as they arrived.
Almost two hours later  when they did not return The girl realizes that they are dead too. Frantically she begins to sail out of the reef, she tried very hard to be careful but her raft smashed into the  rocks and she swims back to shore. Sobbing loudly she knew, sooner she will be dead too.
As  the hours passed her tension raised as she strained hard ensuring to be ready at night. As it got dark, she climbed the tallest tree and hid among its large branches and waited she could see the entire camp from there. As it became past midnight under light of the stars she sees a extremely large figure approaching the camp , as it came into clear view she realized it was neither a human nor animal ,it had the body of a man but the face of some sort of creature as it turned she saw its face was mutilated , it was covered with a mass of overlapping flesh,it had no eyes , nose or mouth. It walked quietly, hunched over searching for her in all the huts suddenly it stood still then it disappeared into the forest. She thought it had left, but then the tree began to shake violently, she looked below and saw that the massive being was the cause of it. She lost her grip and fell, the beast grabbed her before she reached the ground, the mass of flesh on its face began to change, then a mouth formed bearing its terrible teeth the creature dragged her into the cave as her scream resonated throughout the Island.

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