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Jonathan​ Costello​, the richest man in Mexico had lived a life which many could just dream of , but the last six months has been tortourous for him. When he discovered he had bone marrow cancer , he was overcome with depression. The doctors tried to eradicate the disease but it engulfed his body very quickly ,within months he was bed ridden and now he was counting his last days. At his final hour, he closed his eyes and drifted off to his eternal sleep.

He opened his eyes, he was no longer on his bed instead he was lying in a dark closed space. He bangs the walls around him with his hands ,it was made of wood, he realized where he was .......inside a coffin box. He strains hard , screaming , kicking and punching the wall but it doesn't help. Suddenly he felt something glide on top of his legs , he concerntrated his eyes in the darkness and saw what it was. A large snake was gliding up his torso, it was dark black with blood red design all over its body, it came up to his chest and stayed there with his face just inches away from his. Then it spoke unexpectedly " Do you really want to get out of here?", The serpent asked in a human male voice. It was deep, warm and sinister at the same time.

"", he stuttered. A dim light starts to illuminate above his head , he is unable to see where it is coming from but this gives a clear view of the snake. It has bright red eyes with light green pupils and has a extremely large body with huge jaws. It came right up to him, just inches away from his face, he began to tremble in fright but the snake just spoke calmly. " I am not going to hurt you, I am going to ask you a few questions and I need you to answer me honestly, Now tell me do you want to get out of here?", It asked again. "Of course", he answered. "Why....?", it asked drawing closer to him. "Why not, who wants to be here, where am I and who are you?", he asked in anger. It drew his head back but kept it's body rested on his chest. "If you must know, I am the collector , I will decide your fate ", it explained. " Am I dead and in hell?", he asked in confusion. " Yes and no, you have been dead for hours and you are not in hell, let's just bother about heaven and hell later", cooed the serpent. "What?", ....Look , just get me out of here ......I can't ....breath, please I beg of you", he pleaded in tears. "That would depend on how you would answer my questions, so I would suggest you to clear your head and concerntrate on the questions", it argues. "What if I choose not to?", He asked. The serpent's eyes narrowed , "then you will be in a loss my friend, you see , your body has already began to decompose and your soul is still accommodating it , the longer you take the more unbearable the pain would grow, make up your mind fast", it hissed.

"Fine, what is it that you want to know?", He asked. Firstly, Do you think you deserve to be in heaven?", It asked. "Yes, of course ", he exclaimed. "Ok, state your deeds that supports your opinion", it said. "I have donated millions and millions of dollars, built well furnished orphanages, hospitals, schools and houses for the poor and even funded for the relief benefits in various occasions", he exclaimed. " You are right, but are you sure you fully paid back to society?", It argues. " Yes, of course ", he assured. "Wrong, your business partner had transferred all the money for his benefit, the schools and hospitals funds all are transferred to his account, you have been unaware all of this", it stated. "Yes..... We grew up together I trusted the man , I couldn't believe he would ever betray me like this", he sobbed. "Oh, but you have betrayed a great deal of people yourself, all those industries you took over by deception and of course a whole lot of other things you have done,..... don't you dare take me as an ignorant human you filthy maggot, I know about your every action before you even do it or think of it", The serpent screamed in anger for the first time and lifted it's head, it's eyes blazed in anger. "No, please I have regretted alot during the last month of my life ......let me go", he said. "You, really do repent for your doings ?", It asked. "Yes I do, now would you please get me out of here", he begs again. " Let's make a bargain, I would return the last seven days of your life back to you and I would take your sickness away, within the required days if you able to make amendments in your life I will let you live but if you fail you will suffer the consequences. " Okay , thank you I will make everything better", he said. " Remember only seven days", the snake whispered.

The light above his head began to brighten , as it became dim he found himself lying in a bed,he was in his room , the same bed which he had been in for the last six months. He instantly got out of his bed and walked out of the room, his most trusted servant came into view when he saw him he instantly dropped the tray which had his meal on it. "Sir, you are awake....Jesus Christ I don't believe this....I will go and tell everyone", he exclaimed and ran away. Jonathan watched as the man practically ran out of view.

He walked slowly towards the sofa and sat on it, he laid back and inhaled deeply and scanned the room. His eyes fell on the calendar on the wall , he always crossed off the days of the month to keep on track with his busy schedule. The days were crossed off until
Third of July, that is today which is exactly seven days before he dies.

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