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Just like everyone I moved to New York City for a better job. But things didn't go as I expected and I wound up taking a job at a pizza parlour as a pizza delivery boy.

One day after finishing my night shift I began to get ready to leave when the phone rings the receptionist takes the call and after placing the phone down she gives me the piece of paper and says "here this is the address, the order is for five regular medium pizzas". "But my shift is over", I said to her. "You can go home right after this delivery, the order is for five pizzas I am sure the manager will be cross if you fail to make the delivery", she said.

I sighed and took the piece of paper from her and picked up the packages from the kitchen and went to my car.

I started the car and accordingly to the GPS began driving to the given address. I kept driving until I was out of the busy populous area and into a quite neighborhood. I continued driving until I reached the place the house it was situated in an isolated street far away from the quite neighborhood.

I looked outside my window and saw that the house was extremely old and seemed like nobody has entered the place for ages.

I thought that maybe someone played a prank but than I thought if I returned back with the packages the manager will be cross and might even consider firing me. I took a deep breath took the packages and got out of the car.

I walked up to the front door and was about to knock on it when I saw a note cello taped on the surface of the door it read; Pizza delivery; come to the back door. My stomach twisted in nervousness and I felt sick.

This house gave me the creeps and who ever made the order wanted me to come through the back door. I looked through the windows but it was so dark that I couldn't see a thing.

I knocked on the door and waited for a few seconds and knocked again. This time when no one answered the door I decided to go to the back door. I looked at my wrist watch it was half past twelve, it was getting really late.

I went behind the building the back yard was in a mess there were twigs and tall grasses. I stood in front of the door and hesitated to knock. Somehow I was getting a very bad feeling about this.

My gut twisted and I felt the bile rising up to my mouth. I cannot describe what this was but I was getting an intuition that something bad was about to happen.

I knocked on the door and heard it echoe in the house. Just than I heard rustling beside me I turned my head to the direction of the sound and sure enough saw a child, a small girl she was wearing a dirty grey dress, her hair was k into two ponytails and her eyes were wide open and her mouth twirled into an insane grin she looked crazed and her eyes lit bright red. I shuddered at the sight, dropped the packages there and then and ran towards the car.

I got in plunged the key into my car and struggled to start it didn't make a sound it didn't even budge.I locked the doors and searched for my mobile in the dash board and tried to call for help but there was no network on my phone. How was I going to call for help? I looked at the silent empty road not a single soul was in sight. I tried to start the car but it was to no avail. I thought of checking the engine, maybe a wire is out of place let me just fix it and get out of here.

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