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We all have our fears. Some are afraid of heights, fire, swimming , strangers and even Clowns. Others are afraid of animals that people find adorable such as cats, dogs, chicks and rabbits. While most are afraid of quite famous entities like Jeepers creepers, Pennywise and other celebrity evil dweller. You must be afraid of something or someone also. But I am sure you must have come up with a solution to overcome or avoid your fears some way or another. I wish I could do that too, but I just can't because I am afraid of sleeping. When I sleep, I will dream and he will definitely be there waiting for me.

My dreams are disturbing and they would be about the same incident. I am actually not afraid to sleep just because I will have a bad dream, I am afraid to sleep because I know I will wake up to a horrific nightmare. A nightmare that will never end.

I started having them afew months ago, after I returned home from visiting my grandparents.they lived out of town in a cottage which is located in a rather seculated area. I always wondered why they lived alone, I guess once you are old you want to live the remaining of your life in solace. Anyway I loved visiting them they were really nice. But I hated living in that cottage, I wished they would move out from there..I never told this to anyone but when I was ten years old , I was sent to spend Christmas with them. I would have lots of fun , grandma would bake apple pies, cinnamon rolls and pineapple puddings. They were my favourite deserts. Grandpa would take me to do lots of Christmas shopping's.

But one night when I went to bed I heard my name being called out, I thought they were calling me. But when it spoke for the second time, I realized it was comming from the closet. The third time the voice screamed my name..it sounded like it belonged to numerous people and they were in the closet. I became frightened and ran out of the room. My grandparents checked the closet but it was empty. After the incident I refused to sleep in that room.
My parents are entrepreneurs and I am their only child. They never had time for me, so I didn't tell them what happened they were bound to not believe me. I don't remember when was the last time I spent Christmas with them or just sat and talked to them. They would go on business trips for months, I would be stuck in this lavish mansion of theirs which was more like a jail to me. As I came of age I escaped from my golden cage and went to live in a apartment and enrolled in a art college. I got to experience life in college, well six months ago I visited my grandparents again after a very long time. They were really happy to see me and on the first night they gave me that same godforsaken room and that damn closet was still in there. For a couple who had rich kids they seemed to be attached to old junks I just didn't know why? or maybe my parents had been ignoring them just as they ignored me , my grandparents were probably in financial turmoil. Well I didn't forget what had happened to me as a child, but I assured myself that I was small and my mind was playing games with me. I was so wrong.

At the middle of the night I heard the voice calling my name again. It spoke for the second time and finally it screamed my name for the third time , I instantly got out of my bed and went to the closet as soon as I opened it I collapsed. The next morning I found myself in my bed. I recalled that I fainted when I opened the closet. I don't remember what I saw in there. I checked the closet again and ofcourse it was empty because I kept my clothes in the bag. Nothing strange happened for the rest of my stay. I returned to my apartment after two weeks. Thats when the nightmares started to begin, I would always dream about awakening in the bed at my grandparents cottage with that voice saying my name. I would open the closet and this twisted faced demon with sharp claws would come out of it.. I am not really sure how it exactly looks like... the dream is extremely vivid on its appearance and it would emerge from it and attack me.

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