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The forest can be one of the most dangerous places you can be in. Why?, because it is the home of wild creatures which would give you the most painful death you could ever imagine. Anacondas would wrap its body around you and with your every movement and even with the rhythm of you breathing it tightens its coils causing the bones to break the worst part is you are still alive when you hear your bones crack and even when it begins to swallow you and the bile takes its time to dissolve your remains.

Alligators and crocodiles tend to the strongest bite radius, they would prefer to dismember your limbs and ofcourse lets not forget the big cats such as lions,tigers,leopards,Jaguars and panthers. All them have their own preferences of hunting, the feeling of being alive have to be the worst.

The speed, strength, defence mechanisms allows these creatures to survive and endure the forest environment. When you venture into the forest there are chances you will survive them and certain diseases but whoever has faced the forest demon has not lived to tell the tale.

It lives in the deepest and the darkest part of the jungle, it is said that at this point you will see no animals on the ground, no birds in the sky. The trees are twisted and their is barely any light, the most unusual thing about this place is that you will face is the feeling of being watched, the feeling of hearing noises.

Noises that don't belong to any of those wild animals and having the fear of not knowing how to protect yourself by the unseen and unknown entity that surrounds you. There are very few recorded incidents of people who have survived in this part of the forest one of them was a man named Folio. Folio was born in a small village , his was father was a famous forest guide and mostly catered for tourists the money that he made was enough to run his small family but not enough to make his dreams come true. Soon enough he began working with hunters and poachers he earned alot of money by letting them accomplish in obtaining their game.

His family lived in a much better condition and soon Folio began accompanying him to the forest. One day a particular foreigner came looking for him , he had a large troop and hunting gears with him he wanted his father assistance to accompany him to the deepest and darkest part for the forest he tried to explain to the foreigner that he was not that well versed with the routes of the jungle at that particular place he also began to emphasize that they are putting their lives in danger. The foreigner offered alot of money for the job and blinded by greed he agreed.

The next day Folio joined his father and the troup, they ventured into the forest and moved deeper within until they reached the forbidden region. Thick darkness covered the atmosphere the place resonated an eerie and omnoius presence. One by one each of the troup members began to vanish their screams of pure pain would echoe through the dark woods but no one ever saw what took them. Alas they decided to retrieve but they were lost and they continued disappearing one by one until the hunter, the guide and the boy was left.

After awhile they came across a stream and the hunter saw a eel swimming by. His hunger grew and he decided to spear it but as soon as he would near it the eel would swim away. He began following it and the eel swam into a cave, the guide and his son waited outside. They heard numerous loud growls comming from within the cave , finally a trail of blood came out. The growls became louder, the guide and the boy made run for it but before they can understand what killed the hunter the guide vanished.

The boy kept running for his dear life the entity stopped following him but he had a bigger problem ahead of him. He was now alone, tired , hungry and lost the next comming weeks was the most difficult time of his life as he tried to evade death and survive the forest.

When a fishing boat found him on the bank of the river he was nothing but just a pile of skin and bones his clothes had completely torn off from his body. He was brought back to the village and nursed back to good health but he did not speak for seven days and when he did he told everyone what happened to him and some believed him , some didn't while some stated that the forest is a scary place to be in and when someone is lost in it for so long the pain, the hunger and the loneliness that they endure makes them start to see things and hear things ...The Jungle is no place for a man.

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