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The place had been abandoned many years ago and stayed vacant for many more years nobody remembers who it belonged to or who were the last people that lived in that house.

It was a old decaying house which stood at the edge of the town, my friend Ciara tells me that it is haunted and she even swore that once she saw someone inside from the window when she passed by the house. She believed that someone did live in that house this fact always made me curious so one day I decided to see if this was true. I woke up early on Thursday morning and had my breakfast I saw a note on the refrigerator, my mom had already left the house as she had to go to work early and asked me to lock the front door when I left the house.

I was glad to read this note, she didn't have to drop me to school and now I can directly go to that house. After I got ready and locked the house I rode my bike straight to the place. It took a while as it was situated away from town. I parked my bike outside the place and looked at the surrounding. There was no other house for quite a few distance,... Maybe I should just turn around?. I decided to go back, but my legs refused to move.

The grass on the yard was dead, the walls were black and the windows were old and rusty. The place most definitely be full of dead rats and insects, nothing can survive in there. I made up my mind to just leave but I wanted to go inside, I had a strange feeling that the place was not entirely empty. I walked up to the door and turned the knob, it broke and came into my hand.

The door slowly swung open with a loud cre.....ak sound. I peered inside it was too dark , I couldn't see a thing. I fished through my backpack and took out my mobile and turned the flash light on. I took a deep breath and walked in. The floor board was rotting, the walls were rotting and if there had been furnitures in here it has long back decayed into dirt which covered every inch of this place.

Furthermore the terrible stench in the air made made it hard to breath, I gagged and almost vomited as the smell came in contact with my nostrils. I turned around to leave the house when suddenly the floorboard broke and I fell right in. I landed on my back with a loud thud, my back and shoulders throbbed with a sharp pain as I got up. I still had my mobile in my hand and thank god it was okay. I turned the light above me and saw the hole I fell through , it was quite high above me. I flashed the light around the walls were covered in black slime, I did not dare to it. There was a passage ahead of me , I thought enough was enough and decided to call for help.

But if I do that my mother will know I didn't go to school today and she will be furious. No..., I don't want that to happen ..I will just find my way out of here it shouldn't be that hard I must be in the basement and there has to a staircase leading up. I kept walking into the passage, it was quite long and the stench was becoming more strong and putrid.

I finally came to a door and I opened it and walked into the darkness the smell was unbearable, I turned the light on the wall and found a switch and turned it on. As a dim light illuminated in room and the horrific sight came into view , I wished I hadn't come to this house, I wish I hadn't turn the light on. The room had about twelve people whose hands and legs were in shackles, this shackles were joined to a chain which was attached to the wall.

They all were in miserable conditions and did not move, I could see that the light was hurting there eyes, they opened their mouths in agony but no sound came from it. Their clothes were in rags, they were seriously malnourished and thin, their ribcage was visible. The state they were in brought tears in my eyes, who were this people?, How long have they been in here?, but most importantly I wondered who was responsible for there suffering?.

My legs seemed to be locked , I wanted to run but I couldn't. I ran away from the room and desperately began to look for an exit. I kept taking different turns and then I came across a door and finally saw the sunrays on the other side of it. My eyes became blurry by the sudden light, when my vision became clearer. I saw the surrounding around me , there were trees I seemed to be in a forest. I didn't know this place I turned the GPS on in my mobile.

I was somewhere far outside of town. I followed the directions and kept running. After what seemed like hours I came across that the front of that cursed house my bike was still there I jumped and rode it like crazy back home. The sun began to set and I realized that As I got near the street where my house I saw an old couple walking by, they were Mr and Mrs Rayland I think there retired teachers. They stared at me in disgust I don't blame them I was in a mess and definitely brought back that stench with me.

I came in front of my house and got of the bike, the lights were on. I ran inside and as soon as I saw my mother I ran up to her and hugged her tightly. I cried unceasingly and she became nervous and horrified by my actions, when I calmed down I told her everything. The horrific discovery made at the abandoned house flooded every television channel, radio channel, newspaper and the internet. The twelve people were retrieved and hospitalised they were in critical health and seemed to be caged in the basement for a very long time. The police searched the basement thoroughly and found many more rooms in it.

Apparently I did not notice them they were filled with torture devices. The FBI are on the case and have drawn out that the owner of the house had designed the basement in such a way to the keep the victims in there. They firmly believe that the culprit is alive and on the loose as he or she have been careful in keeping the victims in critical condition but not to kill them. They have yet to gather more information and draw out suspects as the victims are still being treated. The place where this horrific discovery was made is now named as the "House of the Dead".

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