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Summer holidays has just began and Moonroe girls college has announced the break. Everyone would be returning home and has something planned for the holidays. Shanya tossed her clothes in the suitcase in front of her while her roommate removed the posters beside her bed. "I can't believe you will not be returning after summer break", said Shanya. Tina sighed and began to remove her books from the desk and placed them in the bag. "I have no choice, my dad is very sick and he wants to spend sometime with me", she said wearily.

Shanya smiled back she remembered Tina telling her about her parents divorce a few months back. "Well I am glad that you Atleast decided to let me drive you to his place", she smiled. Tina smiled back and said " As long as you promise to take me to that beach". " Sure, but I will warn you though its summer and the beach will be crowded. The girls finished packing, left their room and loaded their luggage into the car and drove off.

They arrived the beach soon and both the girls instantly changed into their swimsuit. They scanned the place and saw that it was absolutely empty. " Where is everyone else?", said Tina. "Maybe their is a concert or something and the town folks have gone there", she answered. "Seriously..", "Yeah...look this is the finest beach in the and we have been planning to come here ever since we were freshmen", Tina stared at the white sandy beach and the blue ocean.

She was right this place was heaven , it was the most beautiful sight she had ever seen. But the fact that not even a single soul was on sight sent a red flag , she felt like something was not right. She thought for awhile and concluded that perhaps there was a concert and a little dip in the ocean wont hurt. "I guess you are right , I am going for a swim do you want to join me", she said. "I will just stay here in the sun for awhile , you go on ahead", Shanya responded.

Tina waded into the water and swam further in, it was a sunny day and a dip in the ocean was a perfect thing to do she watched Shanya applying sunscreen to her body, she waves at her. A loud splashing sound emerges from behind her as she turns and she sees something descending from the surface of the water.

A sudden feeling overcomes her of being watched something hard brushes against her right foot, a cold vibe rushes through her spine and she decides to get out of the water than it all happens in a split second multiple teeth sink into her shoulders. The pain is excruciating as the sharp razor knife teeth dig deeper into her and pull her under.

She struggles against its painful grip as blood and foam surround her and through it all she sees a shark head tearing her, ripping her and forcing the life out of her. Than it all goes silent as the shark completely tears her arm from her shoulders even underwater she hears the tandon tear and the bone snap as it takes the bite. Blood oozes out of her freely and merges with the water, she is beyond pain infact her body is becoming cold as she sinks to the bottom.

The ruthless creature is not yet done with her it rushes towards her opening its gigantic mouth, bearing its terrible teeth and embraces her with its jaws of death. Meanwhile Shanya got up and decided to take a selfie with the ocean in the background. When she takes the picture she is horrified by the image, she could see clearly in it that the surface of the sea has turned red and the sight of a fin makes her screech. She turns to the water and sees the reddish white foam waves.

"Tina where are you?", she screams.

She races back to the car to call for help and finds her mobile.

A few minutes later the police surrounds the area. The divers searched the ocean as a officer talks to her. " Did you actually see your friend being pulled under by the shark?", he asked. "No ...she was waving at me and I just turned to take a selfie with her in the water for a second and I saw the fin and blood in the image", she cried. "I know this is very hard for you but you didn't hear anything?", he asked. " just happened so fast..she sobbed.

A few days later.. At the police station Officer Gillard held a file and an envelop as he made his way to the commisioners office. "Officer Gillard has there been any development on the case?", the commisoner asked. Officer gillard handed him the file and the envelop.

"The divers found the remains of the girl at the location", he informed him. The comisioner went through the file and stared in shock at the photographs. " Is That all thats left of her?", he asked slowly. "Yes sir and the missing teenage boy who went missing three weeks ago at sea on his yatch, well the divers found a wreckage at the bottom of the ocean it turned out to be the yatch and they have found shark teeth on it..its in the envelop?", he informed him. He opened the envelop and found three large rectangular teeth in it. " It has been tested ..", Officer Gillard continued. And the rumours were.. right they belong to a great white shark. It all matches the large amount of major organs that have been ripped off from the victims body and the attack lasted for 1.5 seconds.

We have a major issue in our hands sir". The comisioner placed his hand on his face in frustration "Officer close down every beach in town monitor closely that no one goes out to sea and we need to find someone to hunt down and kill that shark. Sir, I don't think it would be a good idea to tell the public about the shark this will create an unnecessary panic", officer Gillard suggested. "I did not say anything about informing the public about it, just say the beaches are closed due to possible bad weather after all it is hurricane season", the commisioner argued. "Yes sir",

A few days later... Officer Gillard sat by his study desk at home looking through the case file and begins to think about a prior incident. Flashback twenty Years Ago A ten year old Thomas Gillard is watching over his five year old sister on a small boat at the beach.

He is holding one end of the rope while the other is hoisted onto the boat, he looks away for a second and the grip on the rope tightens and he is pulled forward by the force , the rope slips out of his hands. He watches in horror as the pieces of the boat is pushed ashore by the waves stained with red. He opens his eyes as the flashback ends. A woman walks into the room and turns on the light switch on. "Thomas are you okay?", she asks him. "I am fine Gina, did I wake you up?", he asks. "No, What are you going through?", she says and walks towards him and sees through the file. "Its the file for that girl who died at the beach", he answered. Gina takes the white object from his hand and studies it. "What is this?", she asks. "that is a shark tooth and not just any shark it belongs to a great white", She drops the tooth onto the table. "So those Kids were right about Kevin being killed by a shark?", "I guess so", " and what will happen now?", "The department has found a team of shark experts and they will be going out to sea to find that shark", "When will they be going ?", she asked. "Tomorrow and I will be going with them", he tells her and walked out of the room.

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