Alpha Male Instinct

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Victoria's POV

Light tingles snake down my spine, slithering across my lower back, wrapping my hips in its light embrace. It's as if a thunderstorm is rolling in slowly, lazily taking it's time to unleash its fury within my body.

I'm positioned with my head between his legs, propped up on a pillow, his bare thighs touching my bare skin. I can feel the rain starting, his fingers twist and curl in my hair. I sigh out into the quite.

Keeping my eyes closed, I allow his touch to build up the storm. His voice is soothing, a gentle hum that stirs up the wind from within.

He continues his assault on my flesh, fingertips barely grazing my back, running along my shoulders, up into the back of my neck. Moaning with the contact, and the storm picks up strength.

Index finger traces the outline of my lips; the thunder starts to rumble low in my belly, the rain picks up cascading along my nerve endings and pooling into my lower belly. Sucking in a breath as a shiver passes through, can he tell that I'm fighting an internal battle just to stay afloat against the barrage he's throwing my way.

My lungs fill up with his scent, as the storm starts to unleash it's rage within my flesh, lashing its fury against blood and bone.

I am no match against his touch, the Moon's gift to me.

Thunder percusses through my beating heart. Fingertips are tracing over skin in an aimless pattern, reaching into my hair rubbing my scalp. The wind is rushing out through my mouth as I breathe out.

I can feel my eyes trying to roll into the back of my head, with the exquisite feeling he's giving me.

He's talking to me in hushed tones, which soothes me. Fingers never leave my flesh, lines of intense heat pulse the length of me.

The storm inside batters my judgment.

My suspicious eyes open following his hand, fingertips gliding effortlessly against my arm. I can see the fine hair standing on end swaying towards his heat; his affect is all consuming on a purely physical level.

This, I'm not used to, someone showing me such care, the kindness of him has a certain satisfaction come over me. My thoughts of him going through a revolution. This hard male made of thorns is gifting me with his budding softness.

I have to ignore my upbringing, laying still with my instinct, letting my male take care of me.

His touch is my personnel narcotic chasing away the pain from my torn flesh.

"Your mother." the dryness in my throat is making it hard to form words.

"Recovering," his voice loses that gentleness, I angle me face up to meet his eyes.

"I'm sorry Fin if it weren't for me she wouldn't have been hurt." Shame washes out of me; I watch his eye close, fingers wrapped in my hair again with more force.

"It wasn't your fault Victoria; all this is mine. I take responsibility for all of this." I can't look at him, his truth eating him up inside.

With that, the storm's strength dies away, only a calmness remains.

He continues to keep touching my flesh everywhere his hands can reach.

I lay there between his legs, cocooned in his scent. I feel safe and secure; maybe he wants me to think this?

"Relax Victoria, close your eyes and rest. I won't leave this room. I promise. Close your eyes; I'm here no one will hurt you." He brings the covers up over my shoulders, fingers running through my hair easily lulling me back to sleep.

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