chapter 1 :: Alien Invasion

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[Samantha's Point Of View]

It was a cold night, the loud thunder frightened me. Heavy clouds obscured the sky, the windows were rattling from the strong wind. Everything about this cabin frightened me, starting from the fact that it was in the middle of nowhere, to the fact that there has been an alien invasion.

It was a few years ago when everyone heard creepy noises in the middle of the night. My parents turned on the news to find that there was an alien invasion. They wanted to live on earth after their planet was destroyed. They all resembled humans, they had the same body shape, but you could know them from their eyes.

They had beautiful silver shapes inside their eyes. The first time I saw one was six weeks after the invasion happened, the lady's eyes were hypnotizing. Absolutely a beautiful blue color with silver shapes inside of them.

I started to research the Internet to know more about them. I found their ages, along with some other stuff, differ. I was 18, and being 18 in alien life is being a toddler. I was a damn toddler to them. When everyone was allowed to walk safely in the streets, a couple of adult female aliens kept gushing about how cute I was. Cute.

Most of them were peaceful, but an accident happened and a human was hurt by them and since then humans hate aliens. When aliens sensed that they weren't welcomed even though they only wanted peace, they sent threats to everyone. We cannot speak, touch, make an eye contact with them. I was a trouble maker, so to avoid me getting into trouble with them, my parents sent me to a cabin in the middle of however so I can't interact with any alien.

There was a small market about twenty minutes walk from the cabin and I usually get my food from them. I had the whole forest to myself since aliens really don't like animals and they see them as a threat.

I had Internet, a TV and lots of kitchen appliances. The cabin was actually fun but boring at the same tine. I was lonely, angry at my parents for sending me here and frustrated at my friends for ditching me.

I grabbed the blanket closer to my body, watching the boring horror movie while eating popcorn. The storm didn't seem to end, it was just giving me a headache.

I shoved another popcorn my mouth, savoring the salty taste of it. Next to me was a Nutella jar, where I dipped the salt popcorn in it. The taste wasamazing.


My head snapped to the right when I heard the weird noise. What the heck was that? It sounded like something falling outside, like a tree maybe. The storm and the rain were getting harder.

My breathing hitched in my throat when I heard another loud thud, I jumped from the couch and ran to the door. I swear if this was another raccoon––

Before I could even think, I heard what sounded like a scream. Don't tell me there is someone outside.
I closed my eyes tightly, my hand grabbing the rusty doorknob and twisting it. I heard the loud squeaky noise of the door and let my eyes open slowly.

"Fuck," I sneered startled, looking at the outside who has been making all the noise. I knew it was an alien because if there was a human outside, they would knock on the door and ask for help. But this alien was laying in the mud, shaking to death a few steps from the cabin. The alien had its clothes sticking to its body, it was laying in a fetal position.

"Go away you freak." I shouted at the alien, absolutely disgusted by what its species did to us. I slammed the door shut and returned happily to my warm blanket.

After minutes, I heard knocking on the door. Again. I groaned loudly in annoyance, I was going to kill that creature. I made my way to the door stomping with my feet with every step.

I opened the door for the second time. "I said go--" when I noticed it wasn't the alien, I replaced my angry expression with a happy grin. "Hello." I spoke in a fake voice.

"Hey ma'am, sorry to disturb you but have you seen any alien around here?" The old man asked, holding a shovel in his hand.

"Yeah actually, it was right here." I pushed him to the side and pointed at the spot where the alien was laying a few minutes ago. The alien was nowhere in sight. "I don't know where it's gone." I sighed, looking at the man in front of me. They nodded and without saying another word they left.

I curiously wanted know why they were looking after that alien even though there were laws not to touch other aliens. Grabbing the baseball bat, I left the front door ajar and stepped outside in the heavy cold rain. Looking around in the dark, I couldn't find anything but trees everywhere. I approached one of the trees and heard shuffling next to me. I looked behind, nothing.

I walked to another tree, hearing the shuffling noises and the crashing of leaves near me.

"Who's there?" I called out loud, swinging my bat back ready to hit. I jumped in front of another tree and that's when I spotted the alien. The alien was on the ground trying to curl it's body as much as possible and occasion whimpers were coming out of his mouth.

"What the fuck are you doing here?" I nudged it's back with my bat, making the alien shudder and shiver due to the coldness. The alien had short hair sticking to its face, meaning he was a guy. He looked up with his face, my eyes were fixed on the large bloody gash on the side of his face. The silver lines in his eyes lit up in the dark, I backed sway a few steps.

"Go home." I dropped my hand to my sides, leaving him in the cold weather alone.

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