chapter 9 :: On The News

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[Samantha's Point Of View]

My hand shook as I put my iPhone down on the bedside table; hostages? Massacre? What the heck was going on. My eyes darted to Justin immediately, I was connecting the dots and realizing what's going on.

"Don't tell me you're one of the hostages." I spoke uneasily, tears already forming in my eyes. I have not just grown fond of Justin, but I was scared for myself and him too. I know he was in trouble and that's why he was injured but trouble with the law? Humans were after him for some reaons.

I saw Justin swallow and his face turned into an uneasy expression. "I––"

"No." I scooted away from him. "How could you not tell me? I've welcomed you and let you stay here even I despise your kind, you owe me the truth Justin." I spoke through my gritted teeth, venom and hatred in my tone. I didn't hate him, I hated the fact that he kept all of this a secret. Justin's eyes glistened, the silver shapes looking sharper than anytime I've seen them.

"I'm not a liar." He spoke slowly, wiping his eyes. "They want me dead, I ran away. They took me from home, from my dad and everyone." Justin explained, silent tears cascading on his cheeks. "I got treated so badly." That's when his voice broke and he started full on sobbing, his body shook with every sob while he muttered some words in his language. "Don't want to go back there." He looked at me with his red rimmed eyes, his chin was trembling and he looked genuinely scared.

I couldn't help but open my arms for him, I took him in a bear hug and he held tighter into me. This was the first time he really hugged me and he sounded desperate.

"Help me." He pleaded, his hands clinging onto my shirt.

"Justin, people might get killed..." I stated, not wanting to leave him and at the same time not wanting anyone to get killed.

"Can't go back, peaceful here." He said in a robotic voice, nuzzling his face in my neck. "No peace; no me."

"Is there anyone you know that live here?" I questioned, my hand rubbing his back soothingly. "Where is your family?"

"Dad's in Germany." he answered, pulling away from the hug.

"How the heck did you end up here?"

He stared at his feet after sitting Indian style. "Babysitter was a human, she took me from home." Justin informed me, his gaze moving from his feet to me.

"Look; I'm not sure about this but I will try to help. I don't want you to get hurt...or killed. My dad is gonna come and take me back to my parents house. Here is the plan," I started, playing with his fingers and somehow he relaxed under my touch. "I will tell my dad that I have to stay here and just be careful, but you can't stay here. I will ask Morgan and Patrick to hide you somewhere, they will start the searching soon and you need to hide." I told him the plan. Stand him, I grabbed q small bag that I had in my room and threw it on the bed.

"Stay with me?" He tilted his head to the side and got up on his feet.

"I can't, dad's gonna come here and you can't be seen with me." I explained to him, trying to get the idea through his thick skull. "You understand me Justin?" he nodded slowly, going back to his shy self again.

"I will pack you some spare clothes, food and my old cellphone, okay?" he nodded and gave ke a weak smile.

I packed for him a couple of pants and shirts, even a blanket. After that I headed to the kitchen and packed for him his Nutella jar that he couldn't live without.

We walked in the forest until we reached old Patrick's place, Morgan was there and she greeted us  with a worried expression on her face.

"You heard too?" I asked, pushing Justin inside the house.

"It's all over the news honey, their pictures was flashed on the TV and their names too." Morgan exclaimed, inviting us to the living room. My eyes were settled on the TV, where they were showing a couple of agents dressed in black searching in houses and everywhere.

"Justin's one of them?" I asked, just to make sure that Justin was the one they looking for so we can take more precautions.

"I'm afraid yes, and he's the only one left that's not found yet. Two were found dead in the forest, three were found his morning and Justin's the only one left." Morgan explained, sitting on her rocking chair.

"Do you think there is any way we can stop this?"

Justin stood and he walked to the couch. He took his shoes off and casually curled up next to the arm of the couch, not wanting to hear our conversation.

"No." she replied, a sympathetic expression on her face as she stared at Justin. "It must be killing him inside because he's a Dannel. They live off of peace."

"Can you let him hide somewhere in the house? My dad's coming and he will tell the police if he suspects anything. Please, I will even pay you." I pleaded, dropping the backpack on the floor. "I know it's a lot––"

She interrupted me. "It's not, no one will suspect an old lady right?" She smiled a bit, assuring me that it will be alright with him staying at her house. “He can hide in the basement, just in case they search in the house. The door to the basement is hidden, it's almost impossible to find it if you don't know where is it.” Morgan explained to me, looking at Justin.

“Just, make sure he's alright and if anyone finds him, let me know.” I whispered, feeling a lump grow in my throat. Morgan nodded and she walked over to Justin, she pulled him up and guided him to another door but I yelled to stop her.

My feet dragged themselves in a quick pace as I approached him. When I reached Justin, I placed my arms around his waist and hugged him tightly. I heard his breathing hitch and he nervously put his arms around me. I rose on my tiptoes and left a quick peck on his cheek.

“Stay safe, okay?” Even though he was an alien, he touched my heart. 

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