chapter 7 :: weird creatures

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[Samantha's Point Of View]

“We...don't eat...fruits!” Justin yelled between his choking sounds, holding onto his neck to breathe. I was honestly started and had the urge to cry, he couldn't breathe properly and his face was pale. “Al––Allerg––”

“Allergic?” I asked, Justin nodded as he gasped for air. “Come with me.” I stood up and grabbed his hand. I literally dragged him to the bathroom while he was wheezing, and when we reached the bathroom, his knees buckled up from the lack of breathing.

Grabbing a tooth brush, I lowered myself on the floor next to him and handed it to him. “Push it down your throat.” I commanded, my hand on his back. He nodded, trying to control his labored breaths.

He did as I told him––even though he was hesitant at first––and he emptied the contains of his stomach. I tried to stop myself from getting sick too, because whenever I see someone get sick, I do the same. Justin flushed the toilet after emptying his stomach and wiped his sweaty forehead. He could now breathe properly but he was clutching at his chest.

“Do you always shove any food down your mouth without looking?” I joked, sitting on the counter while he sat on the floor. Justin looked down at the floor with a poker face expression. I felt like a mother scolding her little child, but I guess he was used to getting scolded since his parents probably treated him like a kid.

“Do you ever talk?” I asked, twirling a strand of hair around my finger. Justin ran his hand threw his air and said something that I couldn't hear. “What?” I repeated, scratching the back of my hair. Justin repeated his words but they were in his language.

“Oh, never mind then.” I got up on my feet and stroked his hair. “I think I will go watch TV for a bit.” I stepped outside the bathroom and started walking towards the living room. He didn't follow me, he just stayed there for half an hour while I watched the news.

Sam!” I heard the alien's voice shout from the bathroom, making my heart race in my chest. I quickly ran to the bathroom and saw him standing in front of the mirror, large red spots all over his body. His eyes widened as he stared at me in shock, touching the red spots on his face.

“Oh crap.” I gasped, a smile curling on my face. “Has this ever happened to you?” He responded by shaking his head.

“Itchy.” He commented, scratching his cheek. He lifted his shirt up to see more red spots all over his pale skin, making him freak out more.

“You aliens are the weirdest creatures.” I giggled, amused by his reactions. “I think you should wash your face and maybe you can just sleep.” I suggested, shrugging my shoulders.

Justin turned on the water tab and washed his face with water. I gave him a mouth wash and he rinsed his mouth then turned to me again, his face had many red spots on it.


I ended up sleeping last night on the couch while Justin slept in his favorite chair. He was out like light, I stared at him until I fell asleep. He actually looked devastated and like he wanted to do something, but he can't. I noticed that he seems helpless all the time.

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