chapter 3 :: Sharing Beds

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[Samantha's Point Of View]

My hand clasped my mouth in Borden as I yawned loudly. To say I was bored would be an understatement. I didn't have anything to do except stare at the alien who stared back at me. The gash stopped bleeding after his shower but I knew he was gonna get it infected if he didn't bandage it. His ankle was swollen badly too, I caught him dozing off and I checked his ankle. He doesn't allow me to touch him while he was awake.

"We haven't introduced ourselves yet." I spoke, breaking the boring silence. His gaze met mine then dropped to the ice pack I was holding.

"My name is Sam, what's yours?" I asked, standing my chair. I approached him and sat down on the coffee table. I tapped on his leg, his eyes shot up and he looked offended. I took the ice pack that I brought with me minutes ago and put my had on his leg. I pulled it from under him and stretched it on my lap. He whimpered and gave in to the pain.

Pulling the leg of his pants up, I cringed at his greenish looking ankle. The moment the ice pack came in contact with his ankle, his whining stopped and he gave me a pained look.

"See?" my eyebrow raised, as if I was challenging him. "If you actually listen to me, you will feel better." I continued, adjusting the ice pack on his leg. "Your aliens might kill me if they find you here with me." I exclaimed seriously.

The aliens eyes fell to the floor as he looked down, his mouth parted. "Sorry." He whispered softly, his voice barely audible. It sounded like he said 'swary' but I knew what he meant.

"I knew you understood me!" I exclaimed angrily, wanting to know why he hid that from me even though I was helping him. "Do you have a name?"

The alien slouched in his seat and shrugged, cowering away again.

"Why don't you answer my question?" Asking, I took off the ice pack. "Oh, I forgot that they treat teenagers as kids." I mocked, letting out a bitter laugh. "You're nothing but a baby to them, right?"
He shrugged, then slowly nodded his head. The silver color in his eyes was fading, his eyes looking almost normal.

The alien had finally fell asleep, I was thanking God because he kept me from doing my normal chores. Being in the cabin alone was a lot of responsibility; I had to do my laundry, clean the cabin when it's needed, scaring wild animals and wolves so they wouldn't hurt me, cook food. It also took me a lot of effort not to kick the alien out; even though he looked completely innocent and harmful, I knew there was a reason behind the men who were searching for him.

Quietly, I stepped into the messy kitchen and went straight to the sink. It was filled with dishes and I had to do them. After 45 minutes, I was done with the dishes and cleaned the whole kitchen. I was going to fry some some chicken strips for dinner, but I was stopped when a hand touched my back.

"What?" I asked boringly, getting tired of the stranger in my house. He tapped my shoulder again. Turning around, I saw the sleepy alien looking at me while holding his forehead in pain, his eyes filled with tears. I mentally awed, his face screamed innocence.

"Is it bleeding?" I asked, trying to remove his palm from his forehead. He shook his head when I touched his elbow. "I only have one solution." I exclaimed, grabbing a bottle of alcohol that was on the counter. I took a towel that was clean and poured the alcohol on it. When I moved his hand and placed the towel instead, the aliens chin started quivering and silent tears escapees down his cheeks.

"Keep holding it." I instructed, taking his hand and putting it on the towel so he can hold it for himself. I was about to go to my bedroom to get my phone but I heard him walling behind me. Again.

"Are you gonna follow me everywhere?" I asked, raising my eyebrows in confusion. The alien shrugged and looked down at his feet. I just brushed it off and walked to my bedroom. Pulling my phone from the charger, I heard the alien shuffling behind me. I turned around, watching him as he sat on my bed and started crawling to the middle of the queen bed.

"No, nooooo." I put my iPhone back on the table. "You are not allowed to sleep here. I, the owner of this lovely cabin, am allowed to go everywhere I want. But you, you are only allowed to sit on the chair in the living room and don't move from there. Got it?"

Instead of nodding or speaking, he croaked a small smile and shook his head playfully. I could tell that he enjoyed being scolded, by me, because a smile would appear on his face whenever I yelled at him.

"It's not funny!" I stomped y feet on the ground angrily. "OK, whatever. You do your thing and I will do mine, just don't ask me to give you food."

I turned on my heel and walked to the kitchen again to continue frying my chicken. Surprisingly, he didn't follow me this time and stayed at my bedroom. Probably to anger me more.

After watching the daily episode of Desperate House Wives, I took a quick shower and headed for my bedroom to sleep. It was midnight, and I considered that sleeping early. I walked to the bed, finding the alien sleeping in the middle of the bed with my colored comforter covering him. I could only see his head full of hair and a part of his forehead.

Another thing about aliens; the temperature on their planet is very hot. When they invaded earth, they realized how cold it can get in the winter and you can barely see an alien outside when it's raining or snowing. It wasn't even that cold in my bedroom but yet, when I touched him he was ice cold. I shook his shoulder quietly, waking him up. His eyes opened slowly and he looked at me half asleep.

"Scoot to the side, please." I put on the fakest smile I could muster. He scooted to the far side of the bed. I plopped on it and placed my head on the pillow. I turned to my side, ready to fall asleep and hopefully wake up and finding that it was just a dream.

The alien moved behind him, I felt his arm snake around me and he pulled me closer to him. I cringed when he muzzled his cold face in the back of my neck, his soft hair brushing against mine.

"I'm not going to wake up from this dream, right?" I exclaimed sarcastically, struggling from his firm grip around me

I woke up hours later by the sound of my door. Someone was knocking hard on it. I groaned, who the heck would knock on my damn door in the middle of the night. I checked my watch, it was nearly 4 AM. I dangled my legs from the bed and stood up to see from he window who was knocking.

I pushed the blinds and looked at the men in white coats sat ding in front of my house. They stood along with the men who knocked on my door searching for the alien two nights ago. My eyes widened when I saw the cuffs and the weapons they had on them. I quickly went tithe bed and shook the alien awake.

"You need to hide."

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