chapter 14 :: Solutions

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[Samantha's Point Of View]

“When I kick the ball, try blocking it and kicking it back to me, alright?” I instructed Justin, who looked back at me in confusion. We were both in the middle of an empty field and I wanted him to have fun by doing normal boy-ish stuff.

“Kick it back?” He asked, thankfully understanding what I was trying to explain.

“Yes!” I exclaimed, throwing my hand in the air. “You ready?” I asked excitably, getting a nod from him. I slowly kicked the ball,too slowly, and it stopped right at his feet. Justin stared at him for a minute then looked back at me with a clueless expression on his face.

I chuckled. “My god, Justin.” I said between the laughter. “Kick it baby, with your foot.”

He smiled a little at the nickname I gave him. “Why kick it?”

“It's how you play the game.” I told him, dropping my body on the ground carelessly. I landed pretty bad, making my ass hurt from the fall and at the same time I started hysterically laughing at how stupid I was.

“I'm bored Justin.” I whined, annoying the heck out of him probably. I heard his cute giggle and he approached my spread body and sat carefully next to me, not dropping himself like an idiot like I did.

“Bored too.” He added, sighing loudly. “It was better at your cabin.”

I nodded, agreeing with him. “I know.” I stated, placing my legs on his just to get a reaction from him. I didn't, making me wonder why was he so out of it lately. And well, I didn't hesitate to ask.

“If you don't mind me asking,” I started, removing my legs off his. “Why are the shapes in your eyes disappearing?”

Justin tensed for a second and his eyes were locked on the ground. “Because not safe.” His eyes flicked between the ground and me. “You feel it? You feel safe?”

I shrugged. “I don't know. But even if I did, it wouldn't affect me a lot.” I explained to him, getting a sigh from him.

“It does, to me.” He looked annoyed talking about his eyes. “Do you like going here a lot?” Justin asked, changing the subject.

“Yep.” I replied, popping the 'p'. “I'm actually here because I got in trouble with aliens in general a lot, I kinda hated them, including you.” I confessed. “But I found out that it only bothered me that your people came without asking the citizens and just lived among us, forcing rules upon us in our country. It bothered me a lot.”

Justin looked confused for a minute. “You hate me?”

“I said I hated you, but not anymore.” I flashed him a heartily smile. “You showed up in front of the cabin all of the sudden Justin, do you expect me to just trust you the moment you show up?” Justin shook his head. “I did have the right to hate you. What if you were a killer?”

“I'm a kid. Don't know how to kill.” He had a serious expression on his face. “You know, our adults never fight with each other.”

I knew the conversation was getting more serious so I just shut my mouth because he somewhere was true about what he said. I never saw on the news aliens fighting with each other, they're all friendly and would never harm each other. The reasons they made the unfair laws because a human started a fight with an alien, not the inverse.

“I wanna sleep here tonight.” My head turned to him when he spoke again, snapping me out of my thoughts. “Can we?”

“It's cold for you.” I exclaimed, making him pout cutely. “Can you handle the coldness?”

“Probably no.” He had a puppy face expression as he spoke. “No Morgan tonight, your cabin, okay?”

I huffed. “Fine.” There was a short pause before I talked again. “I'm eating at Morgan's though, she said she's cooking seafood tonight and I’m not missing it.”

Two hours passed and I decided to go to Morgan's, my stomach was rumbling every second and I was super hungry. I literally dragged Justin with me, heloved the forest like I do. Patrick and her were already eating at the table, I said hi to them and sat down next to Morgan to eat.

“I wanna sit here.” Justin pointed to the chair I was sitting on, having an innocent expression on his face. “My chair.” He exclaimed.

I stifled a laugh. “I sat first.”

Crossing his arms, his eyes flicked between Morgan and I until he decided something that wasn't really pleasant; sitting on me. He wasn't that heavy, but he was heavier than me of course. He made himself comfortable on my lap, crushing my legs, then he grabbed my cup filled with juice and gulped it down.

Slapping his back, I tried to push him but failed. “At least share bro.” I threw my hands in the air in annoyance while Patrick and Morgan laughed at us. Justin turned and stuck his tongue out at me then turned back to the table, shoving a piece of fish in his mouth.

“He's so heavy.” I complained to Morgan, trying to push his back.

“Justin get off her sweetie.” Morgan stood up to help me by grabbing Justin's arm but he didn't move from his place. Morgan just laughed and told me to wait until he finishes eating but an idea popped in my head. I pinched his ass, I had too, but it only resulted in a disaster. He buckled his hip, hitting his crotch on the table and falling back on me, banging the back of his head on my forehead.

I pretty much spent the rest of the day with an ice pack on my bruised forehead, while Justin decided to take a nap. Morgan sat with me, discussing the solutions that we have ahead of us.

“I think it's safer if you let them take him, it is the best option right now.” She suggested. “But I thought of something else. We should try to contact his father in Germany and if he answers, we will tell him about everything. If he doesn't, we will be forced to let them take Justin sweetie.”

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