chapter 15 :: The Plan

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[Samantha's Point Of View]

My heart raced in my chest as minutes after minutes passed, I'd feel a lump grow in my throat every time I thought about Justin. It was the third day, it's either let them take him or keep him hidden but in the end they will kill him. Morgan had called his dad the other night and she didn't get any response from him since he's important and just doesn't answer his phone. I already made a plan.

My eyes glanced over the sleeping figure next to him, we were back at the cabin after I helped him sneak in my bedroom without Brody knowing. Justin wasn't energetic as he used to be, after we returned to the cabin I told him if he would like to watch a movie with me and he said okay, but after literally 4 seconds he fell asleep which made me wonder what makes him weak like that.

I shook his shoulder slowly, waking him up. “Justin.” I called, tempted to run my hand through his soft hair. “Justin it's still early for you to sleep.” He didn't move, but I could see him blinking while keeping his eyes closed.

I approached my face to his and planted a kiss on his cheek, I felt him stop breathing for a second until I turned back to my position. He tried to stop himself from smiling, but failed miserably. His lips twitched in a smile then he tried to keep a straight face. Cupping his cheeks, I moved his face from side to side now knowing he was fully awake.

“Your cheeks are squeezable.” I commented, squeezing his cheeks. When he became irritated from the squeezing, he opened his eyes and in a swift move, Justin was on top of me while holding my hands on each side of my head, keeping them secure there. I knew he didn't mean anything sexual, but I kind of thought of that. Heck, I don't even know if they have sex like humans.

A smirk appeared on his face when he saw me helpless under him. “Squeezable, eh?” He tilted his head to the side, it was a habit of his.

“Yep.” I replied, wanting to mess with him.

“Why did you wake me up?” He asked, probably annoyed by the fact that I woke him up. “Was asleep.”

“I was bored Justin.” I pouted, shooting him an innocent expression. “Entertain me.”

He dozed off for a minute then a grin came on his face. He lowered his head to my stomach and nuzzled his nose against my stomach which was annoying and somehow painful because he was pinning me. He pressed his nose against my stomach and moved his head, making sure I was completely annoyed.

“Justin stop,” I laughed, it was getting ticklish. “C-Come on, J-Justin–” His head moved to my side and he started tickling me with his nose too. I started to kicking and thrashing, careful not to kick him where the sun don't shine.

After he decided to stop, thankfully, he dropped his body on my mine and sneaked his arms under my waist. I felt him kiss my neck before getting off of me and returning to his side of the bed.

“Don't wake me, okay?” He stretched his arms then dropped them back to his side. Lazily, he draped the blanket on him and placed his head on the pillow. He closed his eyes.

“Justin.” I called, trying not to laugh so hard.

Justin re-opened his eyes, an annoyed expression on his face. “Sleeping.” He told me, closing his eyes. “Not available.”

I chuckled. “Who's not available?”

“Justin.” He replied, using his own name instead to saying 'me'.

“But like, your eyes are open.” I exclaimed, my hand made its way to his hair and I did what I wanted to do, running my hand through his hair.

“Sam.” He looked at me. “Shhh.” He quieted me down, but I got what I wanted, running my hand through his head.

I slept on his chest for the rest of the night, it actually quite comforting, definitely how I would like to sleep everyday. But after a few hours passed, he turned on his front and I had to sleep on my side of the bed. I didn't get much sleep because all I was thinking about was the plan. When the morning came, I quickly dressed myself into some jeans and a t-shirt then left the door open.

I went downstairs, Brody was in the living room eating breakfast while watching TV. He mumbled a 'good morning' then continued to stare at the program playing on TV.

“I'm going to check if Patrick found someone to fix my phone or not.” I told him. I dropped my iPhone two days ago and the screen was broken, since it's a small town there wasn't anyone to fix it so I told Patrick if he can find anyone.

I went to Patrick's grocery store and didn't find him there. I instead bought a pack of beer and gulped one of the cans down, I don't think I would be OK after the plan happens. I returned him absolutely miserable, and I knew immediately my planned worked when I heard my brother's yelling. I ran to the front door to see Brody and Justin, Justin's back was against Brody as Brody held a knife to his neck, and I could actually see a line of blood that was dripping from his neck. It wouldn't kill him, but it would be dangerous if he pressed more

“Brody, no.” My eyes collected tears, not because that he found Justin, but because I betrayed him. The plan worked more than great. I wanted Brody to find Justin, I wanted him to call the people who wanted him and let them take Justin. I left their 'WANTED' papers for Justin on purpose in the kitchen so Brody would catch Justin in my bedroom and call them. I didn't want him to get hurt, but it looked like he wasn't just hurt physically, I bruised his heart too.

“What the fuck is that fucker doing in your bedroom?!” Brody yelled, pressing the knife against Justin's neck even more.

“No please! Brody put the knife down now!” I demanded in a yell, not even looking in Justin's eyes.

“Does it matter to you? I called the number that was on the paper, they're taking him anyways. It's clearly written dead or alive, and I prefer dead.” Brody said evilly.

“Brody please.” I pleaded, approaching him but he took a step back, dragging Justin with him. “Don't, just don't press it anymore.”

“Okay, I won't.” He fake-smiled at me. “But I will do this.” My eyes widened as he dragged Justin to the counter of the kitchen and in the matter of a second, he hit Justin's head hard against the counter resulting in him dropping like a brick on the floor unconscious.

“You idiot!” I screamed at Brody, hitting his chest. “You're so evil! I don't know how you're my brother, I hate you Brody! I hate you.” I spat, lowering myself to the ground and flipping Justin on his back. He could have have done some serious damage to Justin.

Not even a minute passed and I heard people outside the cabin. I stood in the corner of the kitchen and 4 men sprinted toward Justin, high fiving Brody because of his work. I even saw Robert, who stood with a disgusting smirk on his face with his arms crossed proudly on his chest. I broke into sobs when they dragged Justin's body outside of the cabin.

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