chapter 13 :: Do You Feel What I Feel

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[Samantha's Point Of View]

Minutes passed since I've arrived to an 'interrogation room' which was set by a bunch of retired police officers and just a bunch of people who wanted the aliens out of the united states. The officer who was interrogating me was called Robert, and I was actually a little scared of him. They set a lamp pointed to my face in the dark room and began questioning, I wanted to look as confident as I can be because I didn't want them to suspect anything.

“So, Samantha,” Robert started, placing his hand on the table across from me and leaning in. “A few witnesses have seen you running around the forest with the alien, is that true?”

I maintained a good eye contact with him. “No.” I replied, giving him half a grin. “Are you done?”

Robert let out a laugh filled with sarcasm. “Don't play tough kid, this is a serious matter.” He warned lightly, still not getting serious. “The alien that you have been sneaking with might be the key to our freedom, do you realize that? If you just tell us about where he is, you will let you free and you will never see our faces again.”

I leaned in after clearing my throat. “It's not my fault, neither my responsibility that you can't do your job right. If it's your job to look for the damn alien, why are you asking me to help you?” Cocking my head to the side, I mentally high five-d myself.

“So you admit that you know him.” After a few moments of silence, he spoke. “How come you don't want to help people who are on your side? Your own flesh and blood, and you're still against us.” He shook my head in disapproval. “We're not bad people, at all.

“Yeah, because good people point guns at you and kidnap you.” I said, my voice dripping with sarcasm and hatred. “And a little advice for you, don't mess with that alien.” I nodded, faking a smile.

Robert seemed shocked and taken back, probably by the fact that I admitted that I know Justin. “Why?”

I had a mind block for a second then I spoke. “Look, I’m not even sure why I’m involved with this, I’m leaving.” I stomped my hands on the table standing up and surprisingly, he didn't stop me.

“You have three days to bring him alive, if you don't bring him here in the matter of three days, we will find him and kill him.”


“T––They're gonna k––kill him, Morgan.” I cried on Morgan's shoulder, feeling the warmth of her body. She made me feel secure and warm, the feeling I never got from my family. “What am I gonna do?” I asked, my eyes wandering to Justin who was watching a movie on Morgan's laptop with the headphones on so he couldn't hear us. He thankfully made it here safely but Morgan said she noticed something about him new, aside from the fact that he's not as hyper as he used to be, his silver shapes are disappearing. She said they're not as bright as they used to be, and she suspected that it's dangerous if his disappear.

“It's a tough situation, we will find a way.” Morgan assured, rubbing my back. “Speak to him, find out what does he want.” She suggested, but I shook my head immediately.

“No, don't tell him about it.” I furrowed my eyebrows.

“It's your choice honey.” Morgan stated, pulling away from the hug. “I will go find Patrick and tell him what's going on.” She said, I responded with a nod.

After she left, I walked to Justin pretending that everything is okay. He was sitting on an armchair with the laptop on his lap. I removed the headphones from his ears making him look up at me.

“Wrong?” He asked, his eyes settled on the headphones. I scrunched my face before letting out a sad giggle.

“Wrong what?”

He shook his head and half smiled at me. “Nothing.” He dismissed with his hand.

“What are you watching?” I asked, looking at his sad face. “Is that Nemo?”

He nodded, bringing his hand to his mouth and biting on his nails. “Yeah.” He spoke in a low tone, he wasn't talkative anymore.

“Can I sit and watch with you?” I asked, wanting him to speak more and have a conversation with me but nothing. He just responded by nodding his head and moving the laptop from his lap. I grabbed it from him and sat sideways on his lap so my right side was facing him. I put the light laptop on my lap in a way that both of us can see the movie. I wasn't really interested in watching the movie, I just wanted to be with him.

Halfway through the movie, I felt Justin bouncing his legs up and down and squirming underneath me and that made me wonder if I was that heavy. He kept doing it for straight ten minutes until I decided to ask him what was wrong.

“Is there a reason you're bouncing your legs?” I asked, a smirk on my face.

His face suddenly got redder. “Toilet, now.” He said uneasily, closing his eyes and opening them. I snorted and got off his lap, he immediately ran to the bathroom and came out minutes later with a relaxed face.

“Do you want to continue the movie?” I stood up while asking, he sat down in his place and let me sit back on his lap. When he shook his head, I shut the laptop screen and put it on the coffee table.

“Did you have any trouble walking back alone to Morgan?”

“No.” He replied, looking uninterested in the subject. “Can I ask a question?”

“Go ahead.” I dropped my head on his shoulder.

“I feel something weird when you're with m-me,” He stuttered, I felt his heart race in his chest. “Do you feel it too?”

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